Identify a barrier or change to care that has occurred for your population as a result of COVID-19.
Identify nursing interventions that can be used to support care/address your identify barrier or change.
-Population: Pediatric Patients
-Topic: Effects that quarantine has on the development and mental health of children during the COVID-19 pandemic
While not required for topic submission, keep in mind you will be identifying nursing interventions that can be used to support care/address your identified barrier or change. You will not – most likely – come across COVID-specific research, as we’re still in the early phases of data collection & publication. But, you will be able to use your critical-thinking skills to apply research on interventions or similar barriers to “suggest a plan” for overcoming, moving forward, &/or supporting your selected population.
Final paper should be 4-5 pages, excluding the title & reference pages.
Final paper should include a minimum of 3 (and maximum of 6) appropriate sources with at least one American nursing journal. All sources should be current (< 5 years).
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