encourage you to build learning communities

encourage you to build learning communities


Look Ahead: Team Project

A major goal of this course is to encourage you to build learning communities within the course. Your instructor will enroll you in a team. Each team will be composed of three to five classmates.

For this team project, you will compare and contrast organizational environments. Your team will select between 8 and 10 factors to analyze at your workplace, school, or observed organization, to compare and contrast with teammates. Factors to analyze should be chosen from the Team Project Factors document. Each team will need to conduct a review of each factor selected, accurately describing the factor, followed by examples from each member’s organization. Your team will need to review the published research literature on each factor to provide a full and accurate description of that factor.

This assignment is worth 150 points and will be based upon the following requirements:

  • The thoroughness, accuracy, and insightfulness of the coverage of each factor.
  • The paper should have a minimum of four scientifically recognized references (consult the online library research databases), one of which can be the textbook.
  • The complete project/paper should contain a minimum of six pages of content.
  • The paper should be double-spaced with a 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Your paper should have a one-inch margin all around the text.
  • All completed projects must be in APA format, contain correct spelling and grammar, and correct sentence and paragraph format.
  • In addition to the content pages, there should be a title page at the beginning of the paper containing the title of your paper, the team name, and the names of the students who participated in developing the paper, the course number and name, and the term and year.
  • Text should begin on the next page.

You must work together with other members of your group in gathering information, and each team member must contribute to the development of the paper. Each participating student in the team, whose name is listed on the cover sheet of the paper, will receive the same grade.

Following submission to the instructor, the team leader will post the paper on the Discussion Board, and each student will have an opportunity to read and respond to the papers.

Each group member must also complete the Peer Evaluation Form and email to your instructor before the end of Module 8.

Before You Submit

Before the submitting your final paper for grading, you should do your own plagiarism check using TurnItIn.

Turnitin is used in this assignment to check the originality of papers and the correctness of citation practices in your work. Each team is required to submit team project in the provided TurnItIn link for a plagiarism check before submitting your final work for grading. The Originality Report from Turnitin for the assignment must be less than 10%. Assignments that result in Originality Reports of greater than 10% receive no credit.

In order to stay on track with this project, the following checkpoints are recommended:

Module 4: Identify the 8–10 factors your team will focus on

Module 6: Complete an outline of your paper

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