How World War II Impacted American Society, Politics And Culture

How World War II Impacted American Society, Politics And Culture


Word Count: 750 -1000 words

Pick an era from the list below: You will be responding to the Preamble of the Constitution with regard to your era and its success or limits in securing the general welfare of its people. The full text of the preamble is located at the back of the text in the Appendix, A-5.

From the major eras we’ve covered this quarter, Pick 1 from the list below
The Great Depression – 1929-1941
World War II – 1939-1945
The Postwar Era – 1945-1960
The Long Sixties – 1960-1974
Now- you’ve chosen your favorite era
Discuss how your era impacted American Society, Politics and Culture. Be sure to include specific detailed examples to support your narrative when defending your position as to why this era is so significant. How did previous eras influence your era in politics, economics and societal change?

How has your era influenced politics, economics, and societal change in the following years?

Use the questions below to guide you through your material.

Must include a thesis statement.
Discussion of your opinion on why the era is significant.
Set up for the 4 following elements.
Body Paragraphs- Each of the following must be addressed:
Why is the era important to American Politics and the Federal Government?
How did it transform American Society?
What economic factors helped shape your era?
What lasting legacies did your era make on American Society and Politics?
“In Order to make a more perfect union…” from the Preamble
How successful was your era in creating that more perfect union as discussed in the Preamble of the United States Constitution? What outcomes from your era do you see today?

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