Stroke in the Elderly PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

Stroke in the Elderly PowerPoint Presentation Assignment


Stroke in the Elderly PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to briefly examine the research on patient education programs and analyze at least one research study. After researching the topic as described below, you will create a Power Point presentation. There should be at least 15 slides, that are visually appealing and engaging. Use photos, graphs, etc. to enhance your presentation.

Step 1: Go to the Baruch Newman library site. The link is available in the Left Menu of your course site. ***Review the TUTORIAL on using CINAHL Database for Advanced Searches:
Step 2: Search the CINAHL database using the terms “education” and “intervention” and a selected focus on either a specific condition, concept or population group.
Step 3: Find THREE (3) research studies from within the past 5 years (2015-present) and include information about the three research studies in the N302 literature review matrix.
Research studies MUST be from NURSING JOURNALS. Select one of the nursing research studies (2015-present) that describes an education intervention for patient participants and Submit a PDF of the research article to the designated course site for approval by your instructor. NO DUPLICATES!
Suggestions for search terms to locate nursing research studies are as follows:
• Education and intervention and a health condition (such as CHF, diabetes, disability, MS, renal failure, etc.).
• Education and intervention and a concept (such as self-efficacy, coping, health promoting behaviors, etc.).
• Education and intervention and a group (adolescents, caregivers, specific cultural group,
immigrants, older adults, mothers, etc.)
Step 4: Create a presentation of your selected nursing research study on an educational intervention for a specific condition and targeted for a specific population group.
Step 5: Review the following:
The Guide to Powerpoint:
Powerpoint Speaker Notes

The Power Point Slides (at least 15 slides that are visually appealing and engaging):
1. Title Slide – Title of the study, your name and credentials, NURS 302, and date. Using APA format, cite the complete reference for the article being presented in a smaller font (size 14 or 16) at the bottom of the title slide. Insert a text box, then add the reference.
2. Present the following using these headings; do not copy and paste from the research article –rather synthesize the information and interpret in your own words; be sure to include citations:

a) purpose of the study
b) sample size
c) description of the participants
d) instruments used
e) detail of the education intervention (the majority of the description of the study should focus on the education intervention)
f) research findings (outcomes)
g) references used in addition to the research study eg chapters from your text
3. Discuss
a) rationale for your selection of this research study,
b) provide your overall analysis of the study,
c) the usefulness of the education intervention, and potential for broader utilization
d) implications for nursing practice. Stroke in the Elderly PowerPoint Presentation Assignment

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