The Importance Of Professional Training In Being In The Human Services Field
Think of a character in a book, movie, or television show. Explain an ethical dilemma the character faced and how it was handled. Use the Steps in making ethical decisions to determine how the character could have better handled the situation.
Explain the difference between values, ethics, and morality.
Explain the importance of professional training in being in the human services field.
Explain what a Discriminatory Referral is, and how to avoid them.
Brad is a teenager who seems to have a potential for violence. He often expresses his frustration over his boyfriend, Mark. Brad self-mutilates and has been known to torture animals. He states that sometimes he feels like killing Mark. What do you do?
Explain the importance of self-care in the helping profession.
Explain the importance of self-assessment. How could not recognizing and addressing your own biases hurt a client?
Discuss how cultural differences could affect the therapeutic relationship between counselor and client.
Think of the Sexual Misconduct Survey you helped sample. Discuss the importance of nonmaleficence regarding surveys with sensitive materials.
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