Why Religious Liberty Is Important To America

Why Religious Liberty Is Important To America


You may access this textbook through the following link to find chapter 16.

16. Capital and Labor

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, America was facing a period rapid economic and social change. These changes, while good for some, were not always beneficial to all Americans. Chapter 16 discusses many different examples of these changes and how they contributed to labor unrest. For this discussion, choose at least THREE examples from the textbook and describe how they shaped the labor movements of the late nineteenth century. Your examples can be economic policies, strikes, political policies, etc.

For citations please use this form: (Chapter number, section number); (Source author’s last name); (Video title); (Website title).

this should be AT LEAST THREE paragraphs. One paragraph for each example. All responses should be written in complete sentences and should include citations for material borrowed from outside sources

Religious Liberty Paper
Religions have always been both a target for hate and a catalyst for change. This paper gives you the opportunity to explore this situation and present evidence of how this is so. Choose a landmark court cases from the list below and read it in its entirety. This will be the primary evidence for your paper. Research the case for its historical significance and its influence on American debates over the protection/definition of religious liberties. This is an essay so make sure you begin your paper with an introduction that offers the reader an explanation of the topic of the paper (Religious Liberty) and why it is important.

The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, double spaced.
It should be in essay format which includes an introduction that contextualizes your paper within the themes of this course, supporting paragraphs that present summary, analysis, opinion, and evidence and a conclusion that brings it together, offers an opinion and provides a solution to the problem, or a prediction of its future impact.
You will need to use outside sources to complete this paper, be sure to include in text citations and a works cited page (MLA or APA is fine).(Does not count toward length).
Some of the cases have multiple rights involved. There may be civil rights, religious rights, criminal activity, freedom of speech, parental right issues etc. It is ok, and probably very beneficial, to comment on this but make sure you are approaching the topic from the perspective of religious freedoms and rights.

Questions to address:
Why is religious liberty important to America?
Summarize the case: it’s context, the question argued, the parties involved, and the court’s decision.
Was there a dissenting opinion?
Do you agree with the Court’s decision? Or do you sympathize with the dissenting view? Explain your answer.
What is the impact of this decision? How does it reflect or impact the way Americans (especially minorities if applicable) understanding of the place of religion in the public sphere?
Is the issue presented in the paper still present in contemporary society? (has it been resolved?)
What risks/consequences might it have in the future?
Court Cases related to First Amendment (RELIGIOUS) Issues:

Reynolds v. United States (1871): Polygamy
Arver v. United States (1918): Conscientious objectors
Cantwell v. Connecticut (1940): Proselyting
Virginia State BOE v. Barnette (1943): Saluting the Flag
Fowler v. Rhode Island (1953): Preaching in public
Torcaso v. Watkins (1961): Religious Test
Engel v. Vitale (1962) : Prayer in Public Schools
Sherbert v. Verner (1963): Limits on religious free exercise
Epperson v. Arkansas (1968) Evolution in the public schools
Lemon v. Kurtzner (1971): State funding for private schools
Wisconsin v. Yoder (1975): Compulsory education and the Amish
Lynch v. Donnelly (1984): Display of a Nativity Scene
Goldman v. Weinberger (1985): Headgear and the Military
West Side Community Schools v. Mergens (1990): Bible study classes
Lee v Weisman (1992) Prayer in Schools
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah (1993): Animal Sacrifice
Independent School District v Doe (2000): Prayer
Good News Club v Milford Central School (2001): Religious clubs
Kitzmiller v. Dover (2004) evolution in schools
Gonzales v. O Centro Espírita Beneficente União do Vegetal(2006): Use of Ayahuasca in religious ceremony
Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation(2007): Constitutionality of faith-based initiatives
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (2014): Contraception as part of health care
EEO v. Abercrombie and Fitch (2015): Religious Garb
Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer (2016): Funding for aid programs.
Masterpiece Cakeshop v Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2017) Gay rights
American Legion v. AHA (2019): Public Monuments

Helpful sites:



Justia Law

www.caselaw.findlaw.com (Links to an external site.)

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