June 2020

Login to SQL Server and create the Employee table

Login to SQL Server and create the Employee table [ad_1] Login to SQL Server and create the Employee table (see table 1) using SQLstatements. You will be assessed on the following,Is the SQL syntax error free?Has the primary key been implemented?Have the proper data types been implemented?Have you implemented appropriate constraints (e.g. null values, unique,referential […]

Login to SQL Server and create the Employee table Read More »

Write a Case Narrative Digital Forensics Examiner

Write a Case Narrative Digital Forensics Examiner [ad_1] You need to 1) download and install the Autopsy, 2) download the Mantooth.E01 image using your MPemail, 3) start your investigation using Autopsy. 4) Write a Case Narrative Digital Forensics ExaminerReport Document and describe your process (with screenshot) to answer the following questions:1. What is the image

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