Examine local and national water quality issues. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of hydraulics, hydrology, and water pollutant detection and treatment. Reference the resources you used to support your answers.

Examine local and national water quality issues. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of hydraulics, hydrology, and water pollutant detection and treatment. Reference the resources you used to support your answers.


Examine local and national water quality issues. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of hydraulics, hydrology, and water pollutant detection and treatment. Reference the resources you used to support your answers.

Week 3 Assignment: Applying hydraulics, hydrology, and chemistry to water issues. (45 pts)

In this Assignment, you will examine local and national water quality issues. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of hydraulics, hydrology, and water pollutant detection and treatment. Reference the resources you used to support your answers. Cite in APA format.

List three (3) primary water pollutants in your present location in the U.S. (or U.S. hometown, if you are presently living abroad). Clearlyidentify your location (city and state). For each of these pollutants, identify the local and/or federal regulations it violate If there are no violations in your local water, then look up three primary pollutants in U.S. waterways and identify the regulations for those. (6 points possible)
The (3) primary water pollutants for my location is: e coli bacteria, fecal coliform and sediment.

Identify the major sources of these pollutants in the U.S. Compare and contrast (similarities versus differences) the presence of major sources of the pollutants at the national level with those in your local area. Discuss factors that dictate the differences in the prevalence of major sources of pollutants at the national level and at your local level. (7 points possible)
Explain one technology that you can use to analyze your local water sample. Which of the water pollutants you identified for your local area can be detected, and to what sensitivity, using this analytical technique? What other contaminants could also be detected and to what sensitivity using this technology? (10 points possible)
Research three different types of water treatments available for contaminated water. Explain the basis of each treatment and what pollutants each treatment mitigate What level of mitigation is needed and does that treatment typically bring the contaminants down to that level? (12 points possible)
Explain how one of the pollutants you identified is carried or treated through the hydrologic and biogeochemical cycle If there is no treatment for this pollutant via the hydrologic and biogeochemical cycles, explain why. If the pollutant is treated in the hydrologic and/or biogeochemical cycles, explain the physical, biological, and/or chemical basis of that treatment. (7 points possible)
Provide all appropriate references and citations in APA format. (3 points possible)


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Examine local and national water quality issues. You will be able to demonstrate your understanding of hydraulics, hydrology, and water pollutant detection and treatment. Reference the resources you used to support your answers. was first posted on July 24, 2020 at 1:42 am.
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