The Difference Between Saturated And Supersaturated Solutions

The Difference Between Saturated And Supersaturated Solutions


Based on the Crystal Growth Project

one page (12 font, single spaced)

Answer ALL the 11 questions in A SINGLE PARAGRAPH

  1. Existing knowledge, research and views) Describe the difference between saturated and supersaturated solutions.
  2. (Experiment design) Describe the process involved in starting the crystal growth project and provide a purpose for each step.
  3. (Analysis) Describe what characteristics of the seed crystals you considered when selecting the most suitable crystals for this project. Provide at least one supported argument to justify your selection process.
  4. (Analysis) Estimate the approximate size of a seed crystal that would be useful to grow a large single crystal from.
  5. (Design process) Provide at least one supported argument for using a saturated solution to grow the single crystal from the seed crystal.
  6. (Assumptions) Predict what would happen to your seed crystal if you submerged it in an unsaturated solution and provide a supported argument for your prediction.
  7. (Analysis) Describe what happens with the saturated alum solution that causes the growth of the single crystals from the seed crystals.
  8. (Analysis) Provide at least two supported arguments for starting the crystal project with two seed crystals submerged in the grow solution.
  9. (Assumptions) Predict what would happen to your seed crystal, if it would remain in the Petri dish instead of being suspended by a thread in the grow solution, and provide a supported argument for your prediction.
  10. (Design process) Describe the process of monitoring and maintaining the large single crystal.
  11. (Assumptions) Each time the alum single crystal is maintained, it needs to be rinsed thoroughly with distilled water before being placed into the filtered grow solutions. Predict what would happen if it wasn’t rinsed with water and provide a supported argument for your prediction.


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