How Ecology Is Related To Environmental Science And Conservation Biology

How Ecology Is Related To Environmental Science And Conservation Biology


Critical Thinking Questions – each question is worth seven points
Complete and submit the following questions.Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources.  Write in complete sentences and use good grammar, double-spacing, 12-point font, with one-inch margins.  Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format.  Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.

Book reference  Mader, S.S. and Windelspecht, M.   (2015).   Essentials of Biology.   (4th Edition).   New York, NY   McGraw-Hill.

1. Describe the differences between ecology, environmental science, and conservation biology.  Include how ecology is related to environmental science and conservation biology.

2. Is the human population clumped, random or uniform?  How might the patterns have changed with the development of technology? Justify your answer.

3. Consider the four demographic characteristics relating to biotic potential listed in the text: 1) usual number of offspring per reproduction, 2) chances of survival until age of reproduction, 3) how often each individual reproduces and 4) age at which reproduction begins.  Relate each factor to the human population, rating each one as contributing to a high or low biotic potential, justifying each rating.  Then decide overall if humans have a high or low biotic potential.

4. Explain what adaptation occurs between two species which reduces competition for resources.  Provide an example.

5. Explain what adaptation occurs between two species which reduces competition for resources.  Provide an example.

6. When were most of the fossil fuels that are used today formed, and how are fossil fuels formed?

7. What ecological characteristics define biomes?  In which two terrestrial biomes are there no trees and why?

8. Even though water is a renewable resource, how is water overused and what are the consequences?

9. Discuss ways recycling can decrease the impact humans have on the earth.103. Why did the EPA come into existence?  What was happening in the United States at the time?

10. Why did the EPA come into existence?  What was happening in the United States at the time?

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