BUSINESS STRATEGY Reflection Essay |
KEY INFORMATION Due date Weighting Relevant chapters Assessment format Length Specific requirements Refer to the Learning Management System Includes journals, papers and books sourced from the library or other university resources, APA or s Chicago Author Date referencing system, Journal Articles; one (1) academic or research reference per 200 words. BUSINESS STRATEGY Reflection Essay LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
e. Hypothesise the variations of strategic change and apply relevant approaches to change management. GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES
• Students have the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility; decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations/professional environments; and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development. BRIEF This assignment requires you to reflect on the subject you are studying, in this case, Business Strategy. This module articulates the fundamentals of and approaches to the design and implementation of an effective business strategy. Candidates critically analyse the fundamentals of strategy and the role it should play in business operations. Various strategic frameworks and concepts are evaluated for various organisational contexts conducive to fostering successful business outcomes. The role of strategy in developing competitive advantage will be further examined, in order to frame the various ways in which strategy can drive growth and effect increased business performance. Students will formulate methodologies for managing strategic change to gain a comprehensive understanding of how, why, and when to implement effective business strategy. You may frame your reflection through the following two options.
Use concepts and/or theories contained within the subject as lenses to frame your analysis and, based on your insights, draw conclusions and make recommendation for contemporary management practice and/or your own growth and development within a Business Strategy context. BUSINESS STRATEGY Reflection Essay STRUCTURE You may want to use the following structure to format your Subject Reflection.
BUSINESS STRATEGY Reflection Essay |
CONSIDERATIONS When writing a reflective essay in the format outlined above, you may want to consider the following for each section: introduction – make your point – this what I am going to tell you
– Paragraph 1- the situation encountered – Paragraph 2 – Reflective analysis through the lenses of your first concept or theory. reflective analysis. supported by evidence and references. paragraph. o Introduction – a statement that justifies the choice of concept or theory used for this part of your reflective analysis. o Reflective discussion about your experience through the lens of your chosen concept or theory supported by evidence and references. o Conclusion – which outlines what you have learned and is a transition that leads to the next paragraph. Conclusion and recommendations – Synthesise what you discussed into a succinct statement – this is what I have learned, the implication for management and recommendations. BUSINESS STRATEGY Reflection Essay – Restate the importance of your reflection; |
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