How Has The Criminal Justice System Negatively Impacted African Americans In The U.S.
RESEARCH QUESTION: How has the criminal justice system negatively impacted African Americans in the U.S.? FORMAT: -ASA (this is super DUPER important) – 8 pages minimum (not including the cover page, abstract page, or the reference list) SOURCES: -3 peer-reviewed journal articles: must be from sociological, academic, professional journals -1 academic (authored) book: you don’t have to read the entire book, but you need to get an idea about what it says in order to use it as a reference in your lit review -1 chapter from an academic anthology or reader; this is an edited book -1 academic internet site (can include government or educational websites – .gov or .edu, NO .com sites) **The remaining two sources can be any of which that is listed above.
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