I already have all 7 sources in the document linked in the bibliography document so you can go in there and follow up with what to read. Here is the Instructions: Is ISIS Islam? is required to read all of the articles published by TheAtlantic and to write a critical, religious analysis of the arguments. (In the bibliography document) A student must also watch the YouTube interview with Graeme Wood (https://binged.it/2Gu06xr). For this assignment, a student must engage with the overall theme of culture and religion. The main focus of your paper should be on the question of “does culture represent religion?” A student must discuss how ISIS uses the religion of Islam for its advantages and they must answer the underlying question from the question at hand. A student is not encouraged to give me a complete recapitulation of one article or the interview; if you do, you will fail the assignment. Besides covering the theme stated above, a student is also expected to discuss what is Islam, the history of ISIS and terrorism within Islam.
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