How Does ELINT Contribute To Both Tactical And Strategic Intelligence Efforts
How does ELINT contribute to both tactical and strategic intelligence efforts? Provide specific examples to argue your points of view. 1. Document Format. a. MS Word document b. One-inch (1″) margins (double-spaced) c. Times New Roman Font d. Twelve (12) pitch 2. Citation Format: Chicago. All assignments for the School of Security and Global Studies (papers, essays, exams, and Forums) must follow the Chicago citation method. An online copy of may be found at: Chicago Style Guide Info. 3. Graphics are allowed and encouraged (but they don’t count on length). 4. Students must (1) employ imaginative approaches to answer the question being asked; (2) display an impressive command of the subject matter beyond the immediately obvious; (3) demonstrate a high level of critical thinking y reflection current and world views, and genuine intellectual development; and (4) excel in explaining all major points using multiple examples from the course readings or individual research.
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