What Does “Universal Ruler” Mean In Relation To The Qianlong Emperor In China
Answer should be at least two sentences long and reference the assigned reading materials. Outside sources are not to be consulted. 1 How did the Shogun in Tokugawa Japan attempt to control the Daimyo and prevent the Daimyo from attempting to take power for themselves? 2 Provide at least two reasons that the Dutch replaced the Portuguese as the primary European merchants in Tokugawa Japan. 3 Describe the cultural exchange between the Dutch and the Japanese during the Tokugawa period in Japan. What were some of the things exchanged? How did the two societies view each other? 4 Explain at least three reasons that the Dutch East India Company became successful and eventually the most profitable company in history. 5 How did the Dutch East India Company make money? What was the company’s primary source of profit? 6 Why did the Qing Emperors believe it was important that they inspected the water control measures along the Huai and Yellow Rivers? 7 What does the term “Universal Ruler” mean in relation to the Qianlong Emperor in China?
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