What Economic And Market Factors Potentially Influenced The Results Of The IPO
Having a successful IPO (initial public offering) of company stock depends on accurately determining the company’s value and correctly assessing economic and market conditions. For this discussion, you will research an IPO that occurred in the last five years and present your assessment of whether you think the offering was a success. Select an IPO that occurred in the last five years and research it using credible financial publications (e.g., Bloomberg, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist). Referring to your research and analysis of the company’s financial statements prior to the IPO (found via the SEC EDGAR Company Filings), determine whether you think the IPO was a success. In your post, address the following questions with appropriate support for your answers: Did the company value the IPO correctly? Was the company able to generate additional value for shareholders via the IPO? What economic and market factors potentially influenced the results of the IPO? Do you think the IPO was a success based on your analysis?
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