What Is The Latinx Health Paradox
Module #2 Critical Reflection Essay Task Write a critical reflection of the readings and films in Module #2. You must cite each Module #2 reading at least once. Use the critical reflection questions below to guide your writing. Be authentic and honest. Write what you really think about the readings and questions. You will be graded on how much you deeply engage with, grapple with, and think through the concepts that are being put forth in the readings and films for this module. This is not a formal paper where you have to follow a lot of rules, but I do need to be able to follow your thoughts. Requirements Length: Your critical reflection essay must be at least 1000 words. That is about 4 pages double-spaced but I will use word count to determine whether your paper is long enough. There is no penalty for writing more than 1000 words. Critical reflection essays less than 1000 words will lose points. Citations: Use in-text citations when you are summarizing or quoting a particular passage from the module readings. You do not need to produce a work cited page. Structure: Please write in paragraphs. I am your reader and when I am faced with a whole page of text with no breaks, my brain begins to melt. Please don’t do this to me. Break your thoughts into paragraphs. Even better, provide subtitles! Subtitles make me so happy because they tell me what each section of your paper is going to be about. Edit and proofread: Please proofread your paper before you submit it. Use spell check and a grammar checker. I really like using the free version of grammarly. Submit: Use Microsoft Word to write your paper. Save your paper on your computer. Upload your word document (.doc or .docx) to the link. Do not cut-and-paste your paper into the text box. Microsoft word is available for free to all CSUEB students. Module #2 Readings/Films: PBS. (2014). Unnatural causes series: Becoming American. San Francisco, California, USA. Tavernise, S. (2013). The health toll of immigration. New York Times (1923-Current File) Abraído-Lanza, A., Echeverría, S., & Flórez, K. (2016). Latino Immigrants, Acculturation, and Health: Promising New Directions in Research. Annual Review of Public Health, 37(1), 219-36. Pérez-Escamilla, R. (2009). Dietary Quality among Latinos: Is Acculturation Making Us Sick? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(6), 988–991. Flores, J. (2019). “My Pupusas and My Health: Salvadoran Women Discuss Their Complicated Relationship with Salvadoran Cuisine.” L.A. TACO (online source) Calvo, L., & Esquibel, C. (2015). Decolonize your diet: Plant-based Mexican-American recipes for health and healing. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp Press, Introduction and Chapter 1. John, E., Phipps, A., Davis, A., & Koo, J. (2005). Migration history, acculturation, and breast cancer risk in Hispanic women. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention: A Publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, Cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 14(12), 2905-2913. Key questions to guide reading, student presentations, and response papers: What research questions are the authors of the article required for this Module pursuing? What led them to these questions? What research methods do the authors use to get answers to their questions? (Perez-Escamilla; John, E. Phillips) What is the Latinx Health Paradox? Why is it a paradox? (PBS, Tavernise, Calvo and Esquibel) What effect does assimilation have on Latinx diet? (Perez-Escamilla, Flores) Why did the Mexican government launch a “La Milpa Diet” campaign? What problem does it seek to solve? What are its key components? How is the “Decolonize Your Diet” cookbook similar to the Mexican government campaign? (Calvo lecture, Calvo and Esquibel, also relate to what Flores is doing with Salvadoran food) How did “data collection” activity we did in class relate to the Latinx Health Paradox and qualitative social science research?
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