Compare and Contrast Permanent full-time contracts and Permanent part-time contracts

Compare and Contrast Permanent full-time contracts and Permanent part-time contracts


Staffing an organisation (often referred to as ‘resourcing the organisation’) is a key role of HR practitioners. Workforces often comprise individuals who are employed on different forms of contract, such as:

  • Permanent full-time contracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.79-88)
  • Permanent part-timecontracts. (Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.89)
  • ‘Zero-hours’ casual contracts.(Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.96-97)
  • ‘Fixed-term’temporary contracts.(Hook and Jenkins, 2019, p.96-96)

Write an essay in which you:

Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees:

You should present two clear examples of practice from a range of organizations to demonstrate how organisations use a mix of contractual models to suit their unique organisational needs.

You will be marked as follows:

  • Definition, explanation, and analysis of the four types of contractual models listed above, including the advantages and disadvantages of each.(60 Marks)
  • Examples of practice from two different organisations showing how and why they use different contractual approaches.(30 Marks)
  • Use correct academic writing technique, including effective structure, grammar, spelling, use of in-text citations, and a full reference list, all of which should use the Harvard referencing convention. (10 Marks)


To achieve success, the following is required:

  • Define and explain the standard expectations of each type of contract. You should use academic text-books and papers, and official government sources such as ACAS or, to define the nature of these contractual models.
  • Give two examples of actual practice by named organisations, ensuring you cite sources such as job adverts, company annual reports, academic case-studies, etc to evidence your work. Although the UK has specific legislation about how these types of contracts are administered, the same contractual concepts are used around the world, so you may use international organisations as your examples, providing you are able to quote appropriate evidence of their practice.
  • The majority of work should demonstrate your own original thinking, with data, quotes, paraphrased opinions, and other evidence used where appropriate, to evidence and support your own, original debate.
  • This should be delivered in essay format, consisting of a title page, your main body of work, and a reference list. There is no requirement for an executive summary, table of contents, or appendices. You must not use diagrams or tables as part of your answer
  • Evidence should be used from appropriate sources, such as; your core text book, other HRM text books, academic papers and HRM journals, case-studies contained in academic works or on industry chartered institute platforms, such as CIPD, CMI, Institute of Leadership and Management, etc.
  • Students demonstrating higher level academic skills of analysis and evaluation, and sophisticated use of evidence/sources, will score in the highergrade-ranges.
  • Referencing conventions and the credibility of sources is a vital aspect of academic writing. Students demonstrating a higher level of academic rigour in these areas will score in the higher grade-ranges

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