Applying Sociological Perspectives
For this assignment you will write paper explaining how you would apply the sociological perspectives to explain a social phenomenon.
Use information from throughout the course to complete the following written assignment:
Use one of the three sociological perspectives (functional, conflict, or symbolic interaction) to explain one of the following social phenomena.
Bureaucracies: Why do we have bureaucracies in the public or private sectors?
Education: Why do we have schools?
Illegal Drug Use: Who are more likely to use illegal drugs? What happens to various categories of users?
Poverty: Why does poverty exist?
Prejudice: Why are some people prejudiced against others?
Prisons: Who are more likely to end up in prison and why?
Wage Gap: Why does the wage gap still exist?
War: Why has the United States been involved in so many wars around the world?
- Your paper should be at least two, double-spaced pages in length, in Arial or Times New Roman, 12 point type.
- Organize your paper in three separate paragraphs.
- The first includes a summary of the perspective, using the exact sociological terminology.
- The second includes the application of the perspective to the selected topic, providing specific examples.
- The third includes your own viewpoint, analysis, comments, or argument about how that perspective explains the discussed issue.
- You will need to cite your references using APA.
Save your document as paper4_paperYourName.doc or paper4_paperYourName.docx.
- Attach and submit your paper to the Writing Assignment Four – Applying Sociological Perspectives dropbox folder.
- Be sure to reference course materials and other resources correctly. You must cite your sources to receive full credit for this assignment.
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