PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
PSYC 1100 Assignment
Assignment Title: Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
The maximum word limit is 1000 words. No words in excess of 1100 will be graded. I have selected two studies published in a journal relevant to psychology:
Ferrara, K., Burns, J., & Mills, H. (2015). Public attitudes toward people with intellectual disability after viewing Olympic or Paralympic performance. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 32(1), 19-33. doi: 10.1123/apaq.2014-0136
Sauer, J. D., Drummond, A., & Nova, N. (2015). Violent video games: The effects of narrative context and reward structure on in-game and postgame aggression. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 21(3), 205-214, doi:10.1037/xap0000050
PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
You will need to find these studies in full text pdf version using PsycINFO from the library database. Have a quick look at them all to help you decide which one to choose. They are both very similar lengths and will involve the same amount of work to complete. The assignment requires you to critically evaluate your chosen study, answering the questions outlined below. Use paragraph format with full sentences (no bullet points). You need to describe the strengths and limitations in the methods section, rather than just describing the study overall.
Assignment Questions
In this paper, you need to focus only on the methods section and the discussion section. Do not write about information from any other parts of the study (e.g. abstract, introduction, results). Write at least one paragraph to answer each of these questions. There is no need to include separate introductory and concluding paragraphs.
PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
- What type of research design did this study use? Descriptive, correlational, or experimental? What are some general strengths and limitations of this type of design?
- What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the sample of participants?
- What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the materials and measures?
- What methodological strengths and limitations can you identify in the procedure?
- What recommendations for future research do you have, based on the methodological limitations that you have identified?
PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
Grading Guidelines (# of Marks for Each Component)
Evaluation of Research Paper: Clarity and Accuracy of Writing (3)
3 – The writing is exceptionally clear and concise. There a very few or no grammatical errors, spelling errors, or typos.
2 – The writing is generally clear and concise. There are some grammatical errors, spelling errors, or typos.
1 – The writing is generally unclear. There may be several grammatical errors, spelling errors, or typos. There may be some inappropriate use of words.
0 – The writing is entirely unclear. There are numerous grammatical errors, spelling errors, typos, or inappropriate use of words that make it hard to understand the ideas presented.
Evaluation of Research Paper: Relevance and Accuracy of Evaluation (3)
3 – The strengths, weaknesses, and areas for future research identified are entirely relevant to the study
2 – The strengths and weaknesses, and areas for future research identified are mainly relevant to the study
1 – The strengths and weaknesses, and areas for future research identified are mainly not relevant to the study
0 – There are few or no strengths and weaknesses identified, or the ones identified are entirely irrelevant to the study.
Evaluation of Research Paper: Evaluative, not Descriptive Content (2)
2 – The content is an evaluation of the methodological strengths and limitations of the study, not a description of it.
1 – The content is a mixture of evaluation and description of the study
0 – The content is mainly or entirely a description of the study, not an evaluation.
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Use of Correct APA Style (2).
2 – The general formatting, title and reference pages, and citations are all in correct APA style.
1 – Some of the general formatting, title and references pages, and citations are in correct APA style.
0 – None of the general formatting, title and references pages, and citations are in correct APA style.
See the following resource for APA formatting, referencing, and citation guidelines:
Total possible score: 10
PSYC 1100 Assignment Critical Evaluation of a Psychological Study
Due date: Midnight, Mon Nov 23, 2020, by email attachment, preferably MS Word, or pdf if MS Word not possible.
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