Research Essay Assignment 3
Essay Three: Research Essay
For your third (and final!) essay, you will write a research essay that explores some element of food. I have provided sample topics for you to choose from, or, if you’d like, you can develop your own topic (again, pertaining to food). You might also want to combine multiple topics together. If you choose to use a topic that you have developed (ie, one not on the list of approved topics), you can e-mail me about your proposed topic choice. Your essay should include at least five scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources that contribute to and support your research and provide facts, data, and statistics that will effectively back up your claims. You may use non-peer reviewed sources in addition to your five scholarly sources, but they should still be credible.
This essay should be 5-7 pages long, double-spaced, PLUS a works cited page. Your essay should be written in MLA format, with properly formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted works cited page.
Research Essay Assignment 3
Approved Topics:
- Sustainable Farming: What does it mean to sustainably farm? What does scientific evidence or research say about the effectiveness of sustainable farming? What methods specifically are used during sustainable farming, and why? How feasible is sustainable farming as a world-wide agriculture system?
- Industrial Farming: What does it mean to use an industrial farming system? Historically, when and why did America move to methods of industrial farming? What countries might benefit the most from this method of farming and what are its advantages? Are there any potential disadvantages to this farming system?
- The processed food industry: What preservatives and additives are most frequently used in processed food, and why? What methods does the food industry use to sell processed foods? In what potential ways are these foods influencing our society (trends in obesity, healthy issues, subsidized foods, etc.)? How did “convenience” foods come about—ie, what is the history behind the processed food industry, and how are these foods marketed to us today?
- The organic food movement: What is the history of the organic food movement, and in what ways does this movement function today? What brands seem to be at the helm of this movement? Are they tied to larger corporations? Is organic food better (ie, more nutritional) than conventionally grown food? What farming methods are utilized in organic food production, and why?
- The school lunch system: what is its origin and history, and how does it function today in terms of public policy, laws, etc.? What are some of its benefits and shortcomings? What are some of the variances on the program from school to school and state to state? What role does food play in academic performance, and is this linked to the school lunch program?
- Food waste: What are some of the biggest offenders/contributors to food waste? What is the process of food waste (ie, when we throw food away, where does it go and for how long?)? What are some small scale and/or large scale solutions to the problem of global food waste? Are different countries/nations approaching this issue in different ways, and if so, what are some of those ways? What are some of the things an individual can do to cut back on personal food waste?
Rough draft due: 11/22
Final draft due: 11/29
Research Essay Assignment 3
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