COMMRC 0310 Exam Rubric
Both the midterm and final exam will have the same format. They’d be open-book. You should be able to complete the exam in an hour or two, but it will be available within a 24-hour window. You’ll take the exams remotely. You’ll upload your exam scripts to Turnitin.com, to make sure that your work is your own. You will write three answers in each exam, and no single answer may be more than two pages in length (where “page” means Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced). That means that for each exam, you’ll write no more than six pages in total.
NOTE: the length limit is strict, and I have asked TAs both to reformat your work as specified above if necessary and to stop reading any material that goes over this limit.
The basic task in the exam will be to articulate connections and contrasts between pairs of key sentences dealt with in the lectures. You’ll be given a list of five pairs to choose from in the exam. You should compare and contrast three pairs of sentences. All sentences will come from those distributed to you in lecture.
COMMRC 0310 Exam
When grading your work, your TAs will be asking themselves the following questions:
- Have you shown that you understand the first sentence in the pair? Have you put the main idea in your own words? And have you explained any technical terms in your own words?
- Have you shown that you understand the second sentence in the pair? Again, have you put the main idea in your own words? And have you explained any technical terms in your own words?
- Have you shown an ability to articulate the connections and contrasts between these two sentences? Have you pointed out similarities and differences? Have you explained ideas that emerge when the sentences are combined?
- Have you included examples (either your own or from those discussed in the course) that flesh out your understanding of the ideas in play? You want to show that you can bring these ideas into a discussion of examples. Think, for instance, about whether it is possible to use the ideas in the sentences to analyze the artifact you have chosen for your paper.
You should have a paragraph for each of these four points, so that your work can be easily assessed, headed as follows: First sentence; Second sentence; Connections; Examples.
COMMRC 0310 Exam
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