Explaining what is Practical Engagement
I need to input this information on the questions to give a more detailed essay.
Some questions need to be answered to give the paper more details. I put the number in the paper on the questions below for it to be addressed as well.
1. What specifically have you noticed within mathematics experience for your learners? How do they learn best?
What strategies have you employed that have yielded positive outcomes in mathematics?
2. How is this adverse to fast learners?
3.What are some adverse effects?
4. What are the desired outcomes of the adverse effect?
5. What is the STAR approach? Paint a picture of what the classroom would look or sound, feel, etc with the Star approach? What are the students doing? What is the teacher doing?
6. Explain what is practical engagement? What would a learner experience during the practical engagement?
What would a learner experience during the practical engagement?
7. What attitudes?
8. What are you trying to say here?
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