Obesity Prevention in New York Marketing and Communication Plan

Obesity Prevention in New York Marketing and Communication Plan


Children With Obesity in New York

There are several different ways to communicate and market to the masses. The key is to identify the methodology needed to successfully communicate to the priority population and keep the needs of those consumers at the forefront of your mind.

Your paper should be a minimum of two-pages long and include the following:

Identify the communication and marketing methods you will utilize for your health education program
Include why you believe these methods will best suit the needs of your priority population
Include a draft plan for initial marketing to the priority population
Include a draft plan for materials to be utilized during the health education program
Identify how you will meet the needs of the priority population members that have the following:
Learning disabilities
Hearing and visually impaired
Language barriers
Discuss how respecting the cultural difference, values, and customs of your priority population impacts the outcomes of your program.
Discuss why it’s important to incorporate a partnership with a member of the priority population?
How would you demonstrate respect of your working relationship and their ideas?
Include a draft of a marketing piece that you will use to educate and encourage participation in your program from your target population.
Remember to utilize audience-specific and influential tone
Examples of marketing pieces include a radio ad, newsletter, social media ad, etc.

My purpose Statement
Purpose Statement
The JSY health education program for obesity prevention in New York
Population Description and Health Issue
New York has recorded a continued increase in the rate of obesity over the
years. The department of health in this state reports that the obesity rate in New York has
reached epidemic proportions. Between 1997 and 2018, the percentage of overweight or obese
adults increased by approximately 42% (Department of Health, 2020). Worse still, obesity
among children and young adults has tripled over the last thirty years. It is estimated that
approximately one-third of children in New York are either overweight or obese. These
statistics demonstrate a severe health issue in the New York population. Despite being an
epidemic, obesity cannot be treated with a vaccine or medication pills. Instead, addressing this
health issue requires significant lifestyle changes. Residents of New York need to change their
nutritional behavior and, at the same time, do away with their sedentary lifestyle. A healthy
nutrition lifestyle, coupled with physical exercise, would help curb the ever-increasing rate of
obesity (Department of Health, 2020). Stakeholders in the department of health in New York
have established health education programs aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles for the
population to prevent obesity. Among such programs is the Just Say Yes to Fruits and
Vegetable Program, commonly abbreviated as the JSY program.
Purpose statement
 The population health program aims to design a wide range of obesity prevention
strategies for residents in the priority population.
Program goals
 To reduce the obesity rate in New York
 To promote healthy living among New York residents
Program objectives
 Identify how the adoption of healthy nutrition promotes healthy living.
 To identify the role of regular physical exercise in promoting a healthy living
 To identify how a healthy food environment promotes healthy living


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