Personal Development in Professional Settings
Assessmen t |
Coursework Assignment |
Assessmen t code: |
012 |
Academic Year: |
2020/2021 |
Trimester: | 1 |
Module Title: |
Personal Development in Professional Settings |
Module Code: |
MOD006960_2 |
Level: | 3 |
Module Leader: |
John Butler |
Weighting: | 12% towards Skills for Higher Education |
Word Limit: |
1,500 words This excludes bibliography and other items listed in rule 6.75 of the Academic Regulations: f |
Assessed Learning Outcomes |
1 –Knowledge and understanding: Understand the requirements of higher education including professional behaviour, work ethic, and communication 2 -Intellectual, practical, affective and transferrable skills: Complete pieces of written academic work to a satisfactory standard |
Submission Deadline : |
This assignment must be received by no later than 14:00 on Wednesday 16 December 2020 |
This assignment must be completed individually. You must use the Harvard referencing system. Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a |
written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit
is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a
lower mark being awarded for the piece of work (regulation 6.74).
| Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work. Write your student ID number at the top of every page. Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document. You must number all pages |
In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline.
Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published
submission deadline – will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the
module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a
maximum mark of 40%.
Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has
passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the
relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.
Requests for short-term extensions will only be considered in the case of illness or
other cause considered valid by the iCentre Adviser. Please contact A request must normally be received and agreed by the
iCentre Adviser in writing at least 24 hours prior to the deadline. See rules 6.56-
Mitigation: The deadline for submission of mitigation in relation to this assignment
is no later than five working days after the submission date of this work. Please
See rules 6.103 – 6.132:
Task: Write a Personal Development Plan (maximum 1500 words).
The assignment will be structured as follows:
Part 1: Career Goal – Identify three possible career choices and select your
preferred option. Explain the reason for your choice.
(Approx. 300 words) (20 Marks)
Part 2: Current Reality – Identify and explain your strengths (skills, experience
and personal qualities) and weaknesses, using the Personal SWOT completed in
class, and feedback from 5 contacts using the “Ask 5 People” exercise.
(Approx. 450 words) (30 Marks)
Part 3: Options for Progression – Identify and explain any gaps in your skills,
experience or knowledge that you would need to address to successfully achieve
your career goal. Identify and explain options that might help you bridge the gap
between your current situation and your career aspirations. You may include
making the most of opportunities and managing threats to your progression (from
your Personal SWOT), engaging your current network, and putting a plan in place
to develop it. Consider how you might use the professional profile you developed
in class.
(Approx. 600 words) (40 Marks)
Part 4: Way Forward – Identify three “next steps” that are SPECIFIC,
(Approx. 150 words) (10 Marks)
Appendices: You must include the following to support your discussion:
• Your personal SWOT
• 5 completed feedback questionnaires (“Ask 5 People”)
• Your Professional Network Profile, completed as part of your course work.
Resources: You are expected to carry out independent research outside of
these resources, but you should refer to Rook, Cottrell and the Career Zone as
a minimum.
Cottrell, S. (2015) Skills For Success, 3rd Edition, London. Red Globe Press
Rook, S. (2019) The Graduate Career Guidebook. 2ndEdition. London. Red
Globe Press.
Trought, F. (2017) Brilliant Employability Skills. 2ndEdition. Pearson Education.
(available electronically through the ARUL Library)
Anglia Ruskin University London Career Zone resources, available through the
To successfully complete this assignment, you must undertake the following
activities in class as you will be referring to information from them in your
personal development plan:
• Your personal SWOT
• 5 completed questionnaires from the “Ask 5 People” exercise
• Your Professional Network Profile
These MUST be included in the appendices of your Personal Development Plan.
A penalty of 2 marks will be deducted for each activity missing from the
Appendix. A minimum of 3 ‘Ask 5 People’ questionnaires should be present.
Examples given below are to ensure clarity of understanding and must not be
reproduced in your assignment:
Part 1: Career Goal – Identify three possible career choices. Briefly explain your
first two choices and why they are no longer suitable for you. Your main career
choice must be elaborated on in terms of the following;
your motivation for this choice an overview of the health of industry (job opportunities in the current market) the physical, psychological, educational and emotional characteristics and demands of the role, ie. Person specifications geographical location remuneration, opportunities for personal development and benefits |
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This information must be garnered from independent research. Consider using
Career Zone as a tool. Also, use the resources listed to support your decision
making. Acknowledge the source of your information (For example, “According to
Rook (2019), the opportunities for this profession are…….)
This part of the plan should be approximately 300 words and is worth 20
Part 2: Current Reality – Identify and explain your strengths (skills, experience
and personal qualities) and weaknesses, using the Personal SWOT completed in
class, and feedback from 5 contacts using the “Ask 5 People” exercise. These
should be supplemented by research carried out into your strengths and
weaknesses completed throughout the course. Explain your current role and any
relevance this has to your choice of degree and your future career goals. Finally,
offer an explanation of your understanding of what your degree entails and which
aspects of this excites you the most.
For example: According to a survey completed on MLWR (2018), my key strengths
All five people who completed my questionnaire commented that I was…
My experience includes… Referring to my personal SWOT, my weaknesses…
My degree encompasses the following modules………. and these will enhance my
knowledge and understanding of ……………….
This part of the plan should be approximately 450 words and is worth 30
Part 3: Options for Progression – Identify and explain any gaps in your skills,
experience or knowledge and the steps needed to be taken to close these
identified gaps in order to secure your chosen career. REMEMBER, THIS SECTION
For example: To train as…… I will need to gain some experience of the role,
which I can get through the apprenticeship programme starting in June (Hilton
Apprenticeship, 2018).
You need to show specific and targeted solutions, which is only possible by
showing that you have identified tangible results through research – (ie. Hilton
Hotels have an apprenticeship programme that you plan to apply for.)
Identify and explain options that might help you bridge the gap between your
current situation and your career aspirations. Factors to consider include:
| linking back to Part 1 where you identified the requirements and personal specifications of your career choice explaining how you will bridge that gap creating a LinkedIn profile and a sample Network Profile template and assessing its strengths and weaknesses opportunities created through your degree and by the university in terms of the Employability Scheme how resources available on the Career Zone and Digital Library can be used to strengthen your skill set and knowledge. ensure you explain how these options specifically remedy the gaps identified in your skills, experience and knowledge and how they will help you progress professionally. looking at the current opportunities available in your sector and any other opportunities identified in your SWOT explain how you can address the threats identified in your SWOT |
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This part of the plan should be approximately 600 words and is worth 40
Part 4: Way Forward – Identify three “next steps” that are SPECIFIC,
all 5 SMART adjectives, but each step should refer to at least one.
1. The deadline for applying for …….. is on 01/01/21 so by that date I need to
have the following in place for my application …………..
2. In order to apply for ……… I need to have a minimum of a 2:1 which I can
achieve because ……….
3.I will refine my profile and create…with the aim of…
This part of the plan should be approximately 150 words and is worth 10
Table 1: Marking Guide for the ‘Personal Development in Professional Settings Personal Development Plan’ 012
CRITERIA | Mark Weigh t |
FAIL LOW RANGE (0 – 29%) |
Basic Pass (40 – 49%) |
CREDIT PASS (60 – 69%) |
Non- existent-very poor in fulfilling the requirements of the assessment. |
Limited knowledge and understanding of the area and its methodologies |
Basic knowledge and understanding of the area and its methodologies. |
Satisfactory in fulfilling the requirements of the assessment but academic skills and self reflection need development and there is some missing or irrelevant material. |
Good – very good in fulfilling the requirements of the assessment; but gaps in the use of academic skills, self reflection and material. |
Excellent/ Outstanding in fulfilling the requirements of the assessment; no significant gaps in the use of academic skills, self reflection and material. |
SECTION 1 | ||||||||
Part 1: Career Goal – Identify three possible career choices and select your preferred option. Explain the reason for your choice. |
20 | 0 – 5 Little attempt has been made to address the criteria of the brief. The student has failed to evidence any research into their chosen career and there is no discussion of relevance to the assignment brief noted. Section structure may exhibit serious |
6 – 7 Limited information presented to clearly indicate rationale in career choices, and research and explanation of preferred option is lacking. Student’s understanding of the |
8 – 9 There is evidence of basic understanding of the assignment brief. Research may be limited in scope, but 3 main career choices have been mentioned, with limited investigation of the main |
10 – 11 Student has mentioned all 3 choices and has completed satisfactory research into their chosen career. They have satisfactorily addressed most of the issues of the role requirements in terms of person/educatio nal specifications, |
12 – 13 Student has referred to all 3 career choices, rationalised their decision not to pursue two of those, has shown good use of sources and evidence. Student has addressed most of the issues of the role requirements in terms of person /educational |
14 – 20 There are 3 specific and distinct career choices described. The preferred option uses evidence to identify the requirements, person / educational specification, salary and location. Section structure exhibits excellent coherence and cohesion with no errors of note made in citing sources. Submissions awarded |
deficiencies including no attempt at citing sources. |
requirements needed to achieve their stated career goal is limited. Section structure may exhibit signs of a lack of coherence/org anisation and little-to-no attempt at citing sources evident. |
choice evident. Section structure may have some issues, but a basic attempt at organisation and citations evident. |
salary, location and benefits. Section structure shows a satisfactory attempt at organising ideas/paragraphs and citations, though development may still be needed. |
specifications, salary, location and benefits well. The student has exhibited a good understanding of paragraph structure and has, in general, used evidence and citations well. |
the highest marks demonstrate personal insight and reflection in their career choice. |
Part 2: Current Reality – Identify and explain your strengths (skills, experience and personal qualities) and weaknesses, using the Personal SWOT completed in class, and feedback from 5 contacts using the “Ask 5 People” exercise. |
30 | 0 – 9 No attempt has been made to address the criteria of the brief. The student has failed to evidence the relevance of their SWOT or Ask 5 People surveys and offered no discussion on their degree. Section structure may exhibit serious deficiencies such as SWOT table |
10 – 11 Limited in response to the brief requirements. Student’s attempt may be anecdotal as opposed to evidence based. SWOT and Ask 5 People may be referred to, but have not been used to further the development |
12 – 14 Basic knowledge and understanding of the section requirements evident. Student has used their SWOT and Ask 5 People surveys as the basis of the section, but application is limited. |
15 – 17 Student has addressed their strengths and weaknesses in a satisfactory manner. Both key sources, SWOT and Ask 5 People, were used to an acceptable standard, the student has made a satisfactory reference to their degree choice, and references to other classwork completed were |
18 – 20 There is clear and consistent use of both SWOT and Ask 5 People, as well as other aspects of classwork evident. The student has discussed their strengths and weaknesses well in terms of their professional and personal relevance, and has evidenced to a good |
21 – 30 Answers evidence the current situation using the required coursework: SWOT and Ask 5 People feedback, and include reference to the student’s degree. This evidence is interpreted with insight, and related to the preferred career option. Higher marks are awarded for the above plus references to classwork, such as |
and/or Ask 5 People surveys included in main body of assignment or not included at all. |
of the section. Limited or no reference to the relevance of their degree studies. Section structure may exhibit signs of a lack of coherence/org anisation and little-to-no attempt at citing sources evident. |
Basic reference to classwork and/or degree provided. Section structure may have some issues, but a basic attempt at organisation and citations evident. |
made. Section structure shows a satisfactory attempt at organising ideas/paragraphs and citations, though development may still be needed. |
standard the suitability of their degree choice. The student has exhibited a good understanding of paragraph structure and has, in general, used evidence and citations well. |
VIA character strengths or other skills assessments completed. The student has exhibited an excellent understanding of paragraph structure and has used evidence and citations very well. |
Part 3: Options for Progression – Identify and explain any gaps in your skills, experience or knowledge that you would need to address to successfully achieve your career goal. Identify and explain options that might help you bridge the gap between your current situation and your career aspirations. You may include making the most of opportunities and managing threats to your progression (from your Personal |
40 | 0 – 11 Answer has no/limited relevance to the assignment brief. The student has not offered any analysis of options for personal development and the section is mainly anecdotal. There has been no/limited |
12 – 14 There is limited evidence of student having a plan in place to bridge the gaps identified as weaknesses. Student’s answer may be mainly anecdotal, |
15 – 19 Skills gaps are generic and without support. The student has referred to the main sources required, their personal network (Linkedin/Digit al Identity), the Career Zone |
20 – 23 Student has offered satisfactory examples of how they can address and the manner in which they will resolve the gaps in their skills. They have used the key sources of their personal network |
24 – 27 The student has evidenced a good understanding of the steps needed to address the gaps in their skill set. They have referred to most of their key sources, personal |
28 – 40 Skills gaps have been clearly identified. with specific examples of how these gaps will be addressed. University resources are appropriately referenced, including Career Zone, Employability Scheme, and internships. There is |
SWOT), engaging your current network, and putting a plan in place to develop it. Consider how you might use the professional profile you developed in class. |
discussion of personal network (Linkedin/Digital Identity), no reference to support available through their degree, such as the Career Zone, and no mention of the Opportunities and Threats from their SWOT. Section structure may exhibit serious deficiencies in terms of coherence, organisation, and citations. |
and their personal network (Linkedin/ Digital Identity), the Career Zone, or their SWOT have not been integrated in any meaningful way. Section structure may exhibit signs of a lack of coherence/org anisation and little-to-no attempt at citing sources evident. |
and their SWOT, but these have been used in a very basic manner without fully addressing their relevance in closing the skills gap. Section structure may have some issues, but a basic attempt at organisation and citations evident. |
(Linkedin/Digital Identity), Career Zone, SWOT in a manner that satisfactorily illustrates a plan for self development. There is evidence of additional research cited. Section structure shows a satisfactory attempt at organising ideas/paragraphs and citations, though development may still be needed. |
network (Linkedin/ Digital Identity), the Career Zone, Employability Scheme, and internships and SWOT, to exemplify their own personal development pathway. The student has exhibited a good understanding of paragraph structure and has, in general, used evidence and citations well. |
insightful discussion on the relevance of the student’s degree. There is a relevant explanation of the usefulness of LinkedIn or other professional networks, and include reference to the SWOT in terms of opportunities and threats. Arguments are clearly expressed with excellent use of evidence to support the discussion. The student has exhibited an excellent understanding of paragraph structure and has used evidence and citations very well. |
Part 4: Way Forward – Identify three “next steps” that are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ATTAINABLE, RELEVANT and TIME BASED. |
10 | 0 – 2 Inadequate information base used. The student may have copied the 3 steps offered in the assignment brief and as such offered no relevance to either their own pathway or to the |
3 There is limited adherence to the section instructions. The student may have offered too few/many steps, which are not SMART related or |
4 The 3 steps suggested by the student has a tenuous link to earlier sections and may not be explained very clearly. The steps may only share a basic link to the |
5 The 3 steps identified are satisfactorily exemplified as to be relevant, reflective of previous issues identified in earlier sections and be SMART in construction. |
6 3 steps, well aligned with SMART criteria, have been included. They should be original and not be copied from suggestions on the assignment brief. The goals are SMART, |
7 – 10 3 steps, exceptionally aligned with SMART criteria, have been included. They should be original and not be copied from suggestions on the assignment brief. The goals are SMART, detailed and demonstrate |
SMART criteria. Section structure may exhibit serious deficiencies in terms of coherence, organisation, and citations. |
have any relevance to previous sections in the assignment. Section structure may exhibit signs of a lack of coherence/ organisation and little-to no attempt at citing sources evident. |
SMART criteria and may not be entirely relevant to gaps identified in previous sections. Section structure may have some issues, but a basic attempt at organisation and citations evident. |
Section structure shows a satisfactory attempt at organising ideas/paragraphs and citations, though development may still be needed. |
detailed and demonstrate an understanding of personal development through career planning. There is a clear relationship between the development goals and the skills gaps identified. |
exceptional understanding of personal development through career planning. There is a comprehensive and well justified relationship between the development goals and the skills gaps identified. |
Academic rigour | |||||
In assessing answers to the Tasks 1, 2, 3 & 4, there will be due consideration of the appropriate adherence to word count and clarity of expression |
STANDARDS – LEVEL 3 (was level 0)
Level 3 (Access) prepares students to function effectively at Level 4. Criteria for assessment at Level 3 reflect the preparatory nature of these modules. Students are expected to demonstrate the acquisition of generic learning skills appropriate for self-managed learning in an HE context. Students are expected to demonstrate that they have acquired the underpinning discipline-specific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to undertake a programme of higher education |
Mark Bands | Outcome | Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) (Academic Regulations, Section 2) | ||
Knowledge & Understanding |
Intellectual (thinking), Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills |
Characteristic s of Student Achievement by Marking Band |
90- 100% |
Achieves module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level |
Exceptional information base and understanding of ethical issues |
Exceptional management of learning resources. Exceptional leadership and contributions to teams. Structured and accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Exceptional practical/professional skills |
80- 89% |
Outstanding information base and understanding of ethical issues |
Outstanding management of learning resources. Provides an exemplar of leadership and contributions to teams. Structured and accurate expression. Demonstrates intellectual originality and imagination. Outstanding practical/professional skills |
70- 79% |
Excellent information base and understanding of ethical issues |
Excellent management of learning resources. Contributes well to teams. Structured and largely accurate expression. excellent academic/ intellectual skills and practical/ professional skills |
60- 69% |
Good information base covering all major/ ethical issues |
Good management of learning resources. Expression is structured and mainly accurate. Good academic/ intellectual skills. and team/practical/professional skills |
50- 59% |
Satisfactory information base covering most major issues and their ethical dimension |
Satisfactory use of learning resources. Expression shows some lack of structure and/or accuracy. Acceptable but undistinguished skill sets. Satisfactory team/practical/ professional skills |
40- 49% |
A marginal pass in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level |
Basic information base; basic understanding of major/ ethical issues of discipline |
Basic use of learning resources, with significant lack of structure and/or accuracy in expression. Some issues with academic/intellectual skills. Basic team/practical/ professional skills |
30- 39% |
A marginal fail in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level. Possible compensation. Satisfies qualifying mark |
Limited information base; limited understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension |
Limited use of learning resources with little contribution to teamwork. Weak academic/intellectual skills and difficulty with expression. Insecure practical/professional skills |
20- 29% |
Fails to achieve module outcome(s) related to this GLO. Qualifying mark not satisfied. No compensation available |
Little evidence of an information base; little evidence of understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension |
Little evidence of use of learning resources with little evidence of contribution to teamwork. Very weak academic/intellectual skills and difficulty with expression. Little evidence of practical/professional skills |
10- 19% |
Inadequate information base; inadequate understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. |
Inadequate use of learning resources with Inadequate contribution to teamwork. Very weak academic/ intellectual skills and difficulty with expression. Inadequate practical/ professional skills |
1-9% | No evidence of any information base; no understanding of discipline and its ethical dimension. |
No evidence of use of learning resources with no evidence of contribution to teamwork. No evidence academic/ intellectual skills and incoherent expression. No evidence of practical/ professional skills |
0% | Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes |
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