Student Roster Java Program computer science homework help
I finished the first Student class on BlueJ and it compiles just fine. But I cannot figure out how to make the public Roster extends ArrayList class.public class Student{private String lName fName;private int idNum;public Student(int id String fn String ln){lName = ln;fName = fn;idNum = id;}public String getLastName(){return lName;}public String getFirstName(){return fName;}public int getID(){return idNum;}public String toString(){return fName + + lName + + idNum;}}The ArrayList class must have methods:public boolean contiansStudent(String ln)- given the last name of the student and determines if the student exists in the list.public Student retrieveById(int id)- given the id finds student in list and returns the student. If student not found eturn null.public int retrieveId(String ln)- given last name of student return the id for that student.public boolean addStudent(Student s)- adds the Student s to the list and true or false value that this was accomplished. This method should not allow duplicate students to be added (duplicate meaning same name or id).public boolean removeStudent(int id)- removes a student from the list based on id.public boolean removeStudent(String ln)- removes a student from the list based on last name.public void printRoster()- print all students in the ArrayList list.Help please!!
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