Application and Limitations in Health Economics
Coursework should present a literature review and critical analysis of the instrumental variables approach in health economics.
1. Introduction (2 pages): please explain the link between the undernutrition and economic prosperity in health economics, and maybe also some sentences about the rise of the approach in the past decade or years, e.g.
=> Please follow the links below to selected research papers as a starting point. (It’s not mandatory but could be helpful for you.) Please do not only consider the instrumental variables approach in the literature search for the induction. It’s highly important to explain the link as well as make smooth transitions to the questions.
There are two questions to be answered in the coursework:
(i) What socio-economic factors have the greatest impact on child’s undernutrition? (In order to answer this question, please select research papers where only application of instrumental variables is the main approach.)
(ii) What are the limitations of the approach application?
2. Literature review (15 pages)
=> In this chapter please select research papers where only application of instrumental variables is the main approach.
=> Please follow the links below to selected papers as a starting point for the literature review. (It’s not mandatory but could be helpful for you.)
3. Conclusion (3 pages): please summarize key finding from topic-related research papers according to the formulated questions.
Minimal number of sources to be used in the coursework = 20 research papers, this may include working papers, discussion papers, some research studies. References on the literature reviews are very welcome!
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