midterm assignment

midterm assignment

HEA 249 Spring 2021 Midterm Take-Home Exam – 100 points Due: By 11:59PM, Sunday, 03/14/2021. No Late Submissions will be accepted unless approved by Professor. Please follow the following format*: – Include first and last name – Include page numbers – Use Times New Roman, 12 font size – Double spaced – 1 inch margins – Include a References page – this is to be provided as the last page of student’s work and this is not to be included in the total page count. *A total of (5) points will be deducted if the above format is not followed. If there is no reference page and/ or citations included, then the grade will result in an automatic zero and where applicable, the Lehman Academic Integrity policies will be applied. Instructions for submission: Upload onto Blackboard in the Midterm Assignment Section by 11:59PM 03/14/2021. No email submissions will be accepted. The Midterm take home exam covers all materials: Powerpoint presentations, syllabus, readings, assignments, discussions, and class lectures from Week 1 to Week 6. You are allowed to use any of the course texts as well as any online resources to help answer the below prompts. Please include all citations. You are expected and required to submit your own work. Do not use or refer to Chegg or Course Hero and/ or any other similar services. Any questions about Academic Dishonesty can be found in our course syllabus. The midterm take home exam includes four parts: 1. Part 1 (25 points): Go online and find a copy of Healthy People 2020 objectives. Read the instructions and overview sections. Find the objectives for one of the topic areas and review them. Next, select one objective in that topic area that you feel strongly about, and explain why you feel it will or will not be met by the end of next year. What role might a Health Education Specialist have in meeting the objective that you selected? Please answer in 1-2 pages. 2. Part 2 (25 points): If you were trying to help a friend stop smoking at the friend’s request, what behavior change theory would you use to develop the intervention to help your friend? Define why you selected this theory and explain how you would apply each of the constructs. Please include the model with all the relevant labels. You can create your model using Microsoft word, adobe, paint, etc. or you can also hand draw your model. If you choose to hand draw your model, please ensure that any written words are legible and clearly written. Please answer in 2-3 pages. 3. Part 3 (25 points): If you had the opportunity to develop (3) new health education/ health promotion programs, one at each level of the three levels of prevention (primary, secondary. tertiary) for the community in which you live, what would they be? Who would be the priority population? Why did you choose to create the (3) programs? Please answer in 1-2 pages. 4. Part 4 (25 points): If a Health Education Specialist, trained in the year 2019, could time travel back to the middle ages, what impact could that person have on health problems on that era? What positive factors would work in the health education specialist’s favor? What negative factors would work against the health education specialist? Please answer in 1-2 pages. **Please note that the maximum number of pages allowed is 10 pages: 9 pages written work and 1 page as the

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