
The readings you have done in this module should help you separate the ideas for the future of nanoscale products in our lives from the reality of what is already happening today. Some researchers call today’s application of nanotechnology evolutionary nanotechnology rather than the revolutionary applications envisioned for the future. These researchers recognize the fact that we are at the very early stages in working with materials at the nanoscale, and it will take time and further discoveries to realize the “revolutionary,” world-changing impact that some people are touting today. Nanotechnology can be found currently in many products, services, and industries. Perhaps you are not aware of all these applications, since many of them are subtle changes to existing products and services. In this discussion, you will explore one application of nanotechnology, share your findings with the class, and engage in a dialog around these applications.Completing this activity will assist you in mastering Module Level Outcome 2 and 3.First:
Read Definition – What Is nanotechnology? on the NANOWERK website.Then, go to the right side menu titled “Nanotechnology Introduction Menu,” scroll down to “Nanotechnology Applications,” and click on this link. An extensive list of 16 different applications opens.Select one application for nanotechnology from the list. Read all the information provided.
Compare what you have found on the NANOWERK website about your chosen application of nanotechnology with the information on this application that exists in the rest of the module readings and/or from your own library research on the topic.
Next, submit the following:
Address these points in your initial post:
Describe the application of nanotechnology that you selected.Explain whether nanotechnology is currently in available products or services or if it is still in the planning/research stages.How does the information in NANOWERK compare to any other information you found about this application?Do you think nanotechnology research will bring the revolutionary change in our lives that some predict? Explain your position using data and facts from the readings and your own research on the topic.
Your initial post responding to this assignment should be no shorter than 250 words. Include both in-text citations and complete APA style references for all the sources you used to inform your work “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Code “Newclient”
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