concert comparison – Essay Writers

concert comparison – Essay Writers


So below are everything you need , how to do this essay, how to earn full points, and one concert information and it has the short video of it, I cant not find the full concert video online, I think they didn’t post it,and the other one is a student recital, you need to do a comparison, about 1200 words. The guide line is in the file, just read it.1.ATTEND TWO CONCERTS:a. One must be a “classical”/Western art music concert(this includes musicals,ballet, opera, etc.) Any genre in your textbook counts as Western art music!b. The other may be a concert genre of your choice(Possible two-concert pairs might be: an opera and a symphony orchestra concert; asymphony orchestra concert and a pop concert; a musical and a contemporary classicalmusic (“avant-garde”) concert; a ballet and a world music concert. There are manycombinations that are possible!)2.You must attend both concerts in the CURRENT semester.Concerts that you attendedprior to this semester may not be used.3.TAKE NOTESAT THE CONCERTSof everything you observe that has to do with the totalityof your concert experience: the venue, the audience, the musicians and ABOVE ALL, themusic.4.TAKE A CONCERT PROGRAM or TAKE TWO PHOTOS OF YOURSELF WITH FULLREFERENCE TO THE CONCERT ENVIRONMENTfrom/at BOTH concerts.5.CONDUCT A COMPARATIVE ANALYSISthat describes what the concert experience(visually AND aurally) was like in each concert in as much detail as possible. Yourassignment must:a.Explain the types of concerts attended.b.Include the dates and locations of the concerts.2c.Describe the venues and audiences.d.Include the names of the performers or ensembles.e.Describe at least2 pieces from each concertwith themusical terminology(rhythm, texture, instrumentation, harmony, melody) you have been learning aboutin this class every week.f.Answer: how were the two musical experiences different, and how did thatdifference affect YOU? What, for YOU, made the biggest difference in a live classicalmusic performance – as opposed to a recorded one, or a non-classical one?6.FORMa.Your analysis may takeany discursive form you wish EXCEPT a traditionalpaper.i.Ideas include creating: a webpage or blog (WordPress, Slate), Storify story,digital story (Adobe Slate is a great web source for this), an infographic(Canva is a great web source for this), a Prezi, a short story or poem, anewspaper column, a comic book, a Facebook page, a series of Tweets, ashort film (using YouTube, PowToon, etc.),BE CREATIVE!If you are unsureabout what to do, let’s talk!b.You must conduct your analysis in1200 to 1500 words.You mustinclude a Worddocumentwith your text copied/pasted so that we have your word count.c.Don’t forget to include your photos or scan/take a photo of your concertprogram!Include this evidence in your discursive form.7. If you do not submit your assignment to Canvas by the due date you will receive azero (0)gradefor the Concert Comparison Assignment. You have 13 weeks to complete thisassignment: please do not wait until the last minute to complete it. NO late assignments willbe accepted.8. The Concert Comparison rubric follows 5 and 6 above and is available on Canvasaccompanying the submission of this assignment. Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount!Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you.  “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”

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