L = { : t ∈ l(m) and s ∉ l(m), t,s ∈ {a,b}*, where t is the | csc520
Economy essay | Economics homework helpMay 31, 2021Criminal justice 500 words each x 2 questionsMay 31, 2021 L = { <M,t> : t ∈ L(M) and s ∉ L(M), t,s ∈ {a,b}*, where t is the string after s ina lexicographic ordering of {a,b}*}. As examples, which must not appear in your proof: LetL(M₁) = {b,aa}. Then <M₁,b> ∈ L because b ∈ L(M₁) and a ∉ L(M₁); <M₁,aa> ∉ L because bothaa and b are in L(M₁); and <M₁,a> ∉ L because a ∉ L(M₁). Prove that L ∉ D using a reductionfrom H. Do not Rice’s theorem. “Is this question part of your assignment? We Can Help!”