Develop a solution that maps the specifications of the problem
Write a report that describes the work conducted.
The report should include both the description of the deliverable as
well as the process thatwas followed. In particular the report should:
1)Provide a brief analysis of the problem solution
2)Outline the key design and implementation points of the solution
3)Specify the tasks allocated to each member of the group
4)Provide an outline of the meetings that took place,
if any, and themanagerial handling of the project
description of project:
A small private education center wants to enable st
udent registration as well as
review of grades from the web. Each student should
have a registration number.
If a new student wants to register then the applica
tion you develop should allow
for online registration and should record all the r
elevant information. A registered
student should be able to view the classes that are
offered in the next academic
term. For each class, the student should be informe
d of the title, the code, the
time and the cost. Students should be able to regis
ter to a class as long as the
number of students that have already registered is
smaller than 25. A student
should also be able to request a view of his grades
to date.
i uploaded some examples to help you
i use the netbeans 7.2
i want the project in netbeans 7.2 and mysql
also i want the project full comments
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