For this assignment, you will watch a documentary, Private Violence (Links to an external site.), and then analyze the film in essay format

For this assignment, you will watch a documentary, Private Violence (Links to an external site.), and then analyze the film in essay format

nalysis of Private Violence

For this assignment, you will watch a documentary, Private Violence (Links to an external site.), and then analyze the film in essay format. The Private Violence transcriptPreview the document is also available.

The assignment should use APA style, be in essay format, and be at least 1500 words.  Be sure that:

1.  The essay has an APA style title page with a descriptive title (not the name of the assignment).

2.  A well-developed introduction in which you describe the purpose of the essay (to show how domestic violence concepts help us understand the documentary, Private Violence)  and indicate why it is important that Human Services students understand how power, abuse, laws, and prosecutions help shed light on what happened to the women depicted in this video.

3.  A synopsis of the film in your words–do not use the advertising summary for the film that is online–it will not provide the right information.  Your synopsis should review the film from beginning to end.  This means you will identify each of the women the film features and briefly describe what happens to them.  This must include Candy, Kit, Deanna, and Latina.

4. Identification of,  and definitions for three concepts from the text or assigned materials and application of those concepts to the film, followed by a conclusion and references page.

The three concepts are assigned below. Please be sure to provide documentation for the information taken from the text that includes the chapter number and page number, even if the information is paraphrased. Use these headings to guide the reader through the paper:

No heading needed for the introduction

Private Violence: The Film

Domestic Violence Concepts


Abuse (physical, sexual, emotional)

Prosecution of Partner Assaults



How the Court works


Additional requirements

A. The synopsis (or summary) of the film should be no less than 250 words. A strong synopsis includes the name of the documentary, the name of the director, the release date, and the main characters and events depicted in the film so that someone who had not seen it would understand it. The synopsis should not offer evaluation, but should only describe what the documentary shows or portrays by giving details from the beginning, the middle and the end of the film. Here is an example from a different documentary: (Links to an external site.)

B. The four required concepts are:

  1. Power (include dependency; see also the Power and Control Wheels video in Module 1);
  2. Types of Partner Abuse (include physical, sexual, and emotional;
  3. Prosecution of Partner Assaults (include felony and misdemeanor); and(include the criminal justice process).

Precisely explain each of the concepts by paraphrasing or direct quoting the definitions and discussions from the textbook or other assigned material. Be sure to give the page number from the book for both quotes and paraphrases.  Be sure to use the correct information from the book.  For example, you should not use the definitions for child abuse or elder abuse.

Next, show how that concept explains or helps us understand the film by providing examples and details that connect the concept and the film.  Be specific.

Please use a timestamp in your citation. See: (Links to an external site.)


Review the purpose of the paper, discuss what was presented and its importance to understanding intimate partner violence.

References page

Include a complete reference entry for all sources in APA style.


This assignment requires a file upload submission (Links to an external site.). After you have reviewed the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Submit Assignment button next to the assignment title.

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