Complementary and OTC therapy « Premium Essays
Complementary and OTC therapy
Posted on January 5, 2022
Sally is a 22-year-old female who recently became bothered by a rash that is itchy, red, inflamed, and dry. She also has scaly areas that she says are getting worse. The rash is only around her umbilicus and on her elbows. Both of her parents have psoriasis, but she doesn’t believe this is the problem, because it appears to be different from her parents’ lesions. She is living in Florida, is under a lot of stress in high school, and just recovered from a lingering upper respiratory infection (URI).
Discuss what hints you would ask the patient, what physical check elements you would include, what further testing you would want to have performed, differential and working diagnosis, treatment plan, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, referrals and other team members needed to complete patient
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This entry was posted in Academic Writing, Nurising and tagged differential and working diagnosis, including inclusion of complementary and OTC therapy, treatment plan.
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