2- Arts and Culture | homework crew
That you write original answers to two of the three questions asked.A minimum 300 word answer for each question that addresses all parts of the prompt.That you integrate key ideas encountered in the readings, lectures, and films in answering the questions and cite relevant passages from the assigned readings and films to support your claims.Use of parenthetic citations when paraphrasing or quoting the reading (with page numbers or video time).That answers are clearly labeled to indicate which questions you are answering.Accuracy: expresses important ideas, uses terminology correctly, and shows understanding of the readings and other materials.Depth: goes beyond a basic answer, makes a relevant application or example, and finds connections to important sociological ideas in other parts of the course.Stays on Topic: some personal comments and examples are fine. However, both answers and responses to others should be tied clearly and directly to the topic and to the assigned reading. It’s fine to say you agree or like someone’s answer, but that will not earn any points in grading. This is not meant to squelch your manners but to remind you to keep to the academic task at hand.Answers and responses further the discussion and advance understanding. This tends to show up best when students go in and out of the discussion over several days.Contributes more than the minimum amount of work. Content is more important than quantity, but active participation is also valuable.Does not wait until the last day to do the discussion work. In cases where all the discussion work is posted in the last half of the due date, the work is often rushed and incomplete.To facilitate broad discussions on intercultural thinking and creativity, students will construct a weekly Art and Culture Discussion Blog. Students will use Google Art and Culture to prepare their blogs.Steps to complete your blog, sign-in to https://artsandculture.google.com/, click on Explore, use the search function to type in the name of an artist, an artwork, an art movement, or something from our reading (or a prompt on the study guide) that you want to know more about. Most items will have many links to follow, and some have in depth stories and related materials. Explore the materials and different pathways until you are satisfied that you have a story to tell on your blog. Use the online technology to zoom in on the artwork to get a good look.Write your blog using the following format and address each prompt:IntroductionIdentify the source of information at Google Arts and Culture. Provide as much information as you can about what you are reviewing and your search term(s).Include a link to the item.Provide an overview of the key issue(s) presented and identify the three most important elements in the online exhibit.Describe the time period and the geographic location of the art, artist, or movement you are exploring.Insert images (or music) into your discussion blog to illustrate the topic of the story.Explain your motivation as an author; why did you decide to discuss this topic?Connect the blog to our class materialExplain why your topic is valuable for understanding art and cultural life in a global environment.If your original search led you to new related information explain the connections. Or explain why you think Google made the connection.Describe how your blog relates to what you are learning about intercultural thinking and creativity issues in class? Does the information provided by google enhance what you are learning? Explain.Suggest how Google Art and Culture influences understanding about art, culture, artists, or the way people understand art. (Note: the answer to this will differ based on what you are looking at.)Explore your feelings about the material you explore and about the process of exploration.Describe how your subject search integrates an understanding of the interconnections between culture, art, politics, the economy, and the social environment.
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