2- Water Crisis | homework crew
This assignment focuses on Marxist (class). First, students will educate themselves on the Flint, Michigan lead Water Crisis that occurred in 2014 (look up an article or two; no more than two) and present a Marxist class analysis of the water crisis.Your Presentation must do the following:• Explain the issue with the water crisis, including the demographics of Flint, Michigan (bullet points). Apply at least one social concept.• Explain Marxist’s two-class analysis (hint: bourgeoisie & proletariat) and apply at least two social concepts in relation to the crisis. Also include at least two peer-reviewed journal articles no more than five years old to validate your arguments, thoughts, and opinions.• Present an analysis of the Flint Water Crisis from a Marxist class perspective. Apply at least one social theory.Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia, about.com, ask.com, and similar. Use our course material and peer-reviewed journal articles.Your 10-12 slide presentation should utilize sound critical thought and it should include appropriate APA in-text citations (bottom of the slides) and full APA references at the end (reference slide). Please note, the title and reference slides do not count toward the requirements.The structure of the Presentation must include the following:— TITLE SLIDE— BODY OF PRESENTATION WITH SUBHEADINGS TO IDENTIFY EACH SECTION/TOPIC— REFERENCE SLIDEGeneral requirements:• Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.• Use APA format for citations and references• View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment.• Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.• This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realized you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is grades, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.ReferencesRitzer, G. (2011). Classical Sociological Theory, (6th Ed). Boston: McGraw Hill.Durkheim, E. (1858-1917). Translated by John A. Spaulding and George Simpson; edited with anIntroduction by George Simpson. (1952). Suicide: A Study In Sociology. London: Routledge & K.Paul.CriteriaExemplaryAccomplishedDevelopingBeginningDid not attemptCriterion ScoreIdentify the issue20 pointsDetailed explanation about the issue. Identified the demographics.17 pointsClearly explained the issue. Identified the demographics.15 pointsExplained the issue but lacks details. Lacks details on the demographics.13 pointsExplained the issue but needs significantly more details about the issue and the demographics.0 pointsNo discussion about the issue. Did not include demographics.Score of Identify the issue,/ 20Apply social concepts25 pointsClearly and correctly applied and explained Marxist’s two-class analysis. Properly applied more than two social concepts. Includes more than two peer-reviewed journal articles.21.25 pointsClearly and correctly applied and explained Marxist’s two-class analysis. Properly applied two social concepts. Includes two peer-reviewed journal articles.18.75 pointsExplanation of Marxist’s two-class analysis lacks details. Applied one social concept but the information is inaccurate. Includes one peer-reviewed journal article.16.25 pointsExplanation of Marxist’s two-class analysis needs significantly more details. Improperly applied one social concept. Includes one peer-reviewed journal article0 pointsNo explanation on Marxist’s two class analysis.Score of Apply social concepts,/ 25Apply social theory25 pointsClearly and correctly applied more than 1 sociological theory from a Marxist’s class perspective.21.25 pointsClearly and correctly applied 1 sociological theory from a Marxist’s class perspective.18.75 pointsApplied 1 sociological theory from Marxist’s class perspective. with several inaccuracies.16.25 pointsApplied 1 sociological theory from a Marxist’s class perspective but comprehension was poor.0 pointsDid not include application of sociological theory from the materials.Score of Apply social theory,/ 25Presentation15 points10-12 slides easy to interpret, pleasing colors with high contrast, slide presentation well-organized, excellent use of bullets and graphics, transitions, and slide effects which enhance the presentation of the content.12.75 points10-12 slides easy to interpret, pleasing colors with good contrast, slide presentation organized, good use of bullets, graphics, transitions, and slide effects which enhance the presentation of the content.11.25 points8-9 slides a little difficult to interpret, poor colors choice and slide contrast, slide presentation a little disorganized, bullets, graphics, transitions, and slide effects detract from the content.9.75 points7 slides difficult to interpret, poor color choice and slide contrast, presentation disorganized, no bullets, graphics do not match content, transitions, and slide effects detract from the content.0 pointsLess than 7 slides difficult to interpret, poor color choice and slide contrast, slide presentation unorganized, bullets, graphics, transitions, and slide effects detract from the content.Score of Presentation,/ 15Writing/APA10 pointsClearly follows all writing expectations. Includes a title and reference slide. Included APA formatted in-text citations (bottom of slides) and full references for all paraphrased and quoted work within the reference list.8.5 pointsFollows writing expectations. Includes a title and reference slide. Included APA formatted in-text citations (bottom of slides) and full references for all paraphrased and quoted work within the reference list.7.5 pointsWriting expectations somewhat followed. Multiple errors in APA formatting of citations.6.5 pointsWriting expectations not followed; little use of APA format.0 pointsWriting expectations not met; APA format not attempted.Score of Writing/APA,/ 10Spelling and grammar5 pointsAuthor makes no errors in grammar or no errors in spelling that distract the reader from the content.4.25 pointsAuthor makes a couple of errors in grammar or very few spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.3.75 pointsAuthor makes many errors in grammar or many spelling errors that distract the reader from the content.3.25 pointsAuthor makes numerous errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.0 pointsAuthor makes so many errors in grammar and spelling that the intent of the paper cannot be understood.Score of Spelling and grammar,/ 5Please Follow the rubric and ensure the information is in the presentation.This assignment focuses on Marxist (class). First, students will educate themselves on the Flint, Michigan lead Water Crisis that occurred in 2014 (look up an article or two; no more than two) and present a Marxist class analysis of the water crisis.Your Presentation must do the following:• Explain the issue with the water crisis, including the demographics of Flint, Michigan (bullet points). Apply at least one social concept.• Explain Marxist’s two-class analysis (hint: bourgeoisie & proletariat) and apply at least two social concepts in relation to the crisis. Also include at least two peer-reviewed journal articles no more than five years old to validate your arguments, thoughts, and opinions.• Present an analysis of the Flint Water Crisis from a Marxist class perspective. Apply at least one social theory.Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia, about.com, ask.com, and similar. Use our course material and peer-reviewed journal articles.Your 10-12 slide presentation should utilize sound critical thought and it should include appropriate APA in-text citations (bottom of the slides) and full APA references at the end (reference slide). Please note, the title and reference slides do not count toward the requirements.The structure of the Presentation must include the following:— TITLE SLIDE— BODY OF PRESENTATION WITH SUBHEADINGS TO IDENTIFY EACH SECTION/TOPIC— REFERENCE SLIDEGeneral requirements:• Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.• Use APA format for citations and references• View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment.• Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.• This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realized you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is grades, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.
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