1200eng_wk1_a1&2 | English homework help
Week 1 Discussion
Part 1:
By the due date assigned, post your initial response to the Discussion Area. Post directly to the discussion thread; do not attach a document. If you have composed your remarks in Microsoft Word, copy and paste your response into your discussion post. By the end of week, comment on at least two of your classmates’ submissions. Your replies to classmates should be made with an eye to expand, clarify, defend, and refine their thoughts.
In our textbook, read Erin Brodwin’s article on pages 81-82, titled “The Secret to Efficient Teamwork is Ridiculously Simple.” In a well-developed paragraph of at least 150 words, incorporating and using in-text citations to document examples from our readings, respond to one of the questions below:
What is Brodwin’s claim?
What reasons does Brodwin provide to support her claim? Does she offer evidence to support it? Is support needed?
Do you agree with Brodwin’s claim? Explain why or why not, providing your own reasoning for the conclusion you draw.
Brodwin, E. (2019). The secret to efficient teamwork is ridiculously simple. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader (pp. 81-82). New York: McGraw Hill.
Part 2:
Week 1 Project
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By the due date assigned, submit your rough draft of at least 500 words to the Discussion Area as a Microsoft Word document. By the end of the week, respond to at least two classmates with reviews of their drafts.
Read “Understanding the Basics of Argument” in Chapter 3 of your text, Read, Reason, Write. On pages 66-68, you will see a discussion of ethos, pathos, and logos, which you will use as the basis for conducting your analysis. Create your essay in the APA Basic Essay Template 6th Edition or in the template provided to you by the instructor.
For this assignment, you will write a rough draft of a rhetorical analysis essay and submit it to the Discussion Area. After you post your rough draft, you will provide feedback to two peers using the discussion participation questions below.
Step 1:
Read “How the Future Will Judge Us,” by Kwame Anthony Appiah, in our text, Read, Reason, Write.
Appiah, K. A. (2019). How the future will judge us. In D. U. Seyler & A. Brizee (Eds.) Read, Reason, Write: An Argument Text and Reader (pp. 511-513). New York: McGraw Hill.
Use the APA Citation Helper or the APA Citations Quick Sheet for help to correctly cite the article.
Step 2:
Write a 500-word rough draft of your essay in five paragraphs, following the guidelines below. Use the APA formatted template in which to compose your rough draft.
In the introduction, engage the reader’s interest in the issues of the article. Indicate why you are interested in the issues. Present your thesis and let your readers that you will examine how Appiah has or has not convinced you, through his use of logical and emotional reasoning, of how the future will judge the four practices he discusses in his essay.
In the second paragraph, summarize the argument and its main points of the article you are analyzing so your readers will know what you are talking about.
As you said in your thesis, explain, develop, and discuss Appiah’s use of logical appeals in his argument in your third paragraph.
In another full paragraph analyze Appiah’s use emotional appeals in his argument.
In your concluding paragraph, wrap up your analysis with a discussion of whether Appiah’s appeals to logic and emotion were effective in persuading you of his central claim.
Step 3:
By the end of the week, respond to at least two of your peers’ posts, using the following questions to guide your responses:
What was your classmate’s main point? What evidence did he or she use as support?
Help your peer with APA in-text citations and references and overall formatting so they can make corrections before submitting the final draft.
Let the writer know what you think are the best aspects of the rough draft.
By the due date assigned, submit your rough draft as a Microsoft Word document to the Discussion Area.
There are two parts of this assignment and they are done separately
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