ACC 1202 Principle Of Accounting LE#4
Learning Engagement #4
Respond to the following questions:
What are some factors considered in estimating the uncollectible accounts receivable amount? What are two ways in which estimating uncollectible accounts receivable improves the accuracy of the company financial statements?
As stated in the text, companies do not always collect all the money they are owed. In banks, this is referred to bad loans. In most companies these are called uncollectible receivables. This can be considered an expense and has to be part of a planned budget — as the question states, how are these expenses estimated prior to the time period? At what time is a receivable written off as a bad debt? Ensure you read the text, conduct research and if you can actually present real
1. Please make sure that you read the relevant chapter from the textbook
2. Watch the YouTube videos for this week and additional course material provide
3. Ensure that you can communicate your point of view clearly and without ambiguity. Provide one example to strengthen your point of view in the main discussion.
General Discussion Notes: Applicable each week:
Each weekly session for this course begins on a Monday and concludes the following Sunday. Each week your Initial Posting to the Learning Engagement is due by Wednesday, 11:55pm PST. In that Initial Posting you will respond to the discussion question(s) posed In Each Learning Engagement.
You are expected to provide not only deep discussions on the initial post, but also substantive responses to your peers. Your initial post will be a minimum of 200-400 words or 3 paragraphs and should include insights and concepts from the week’s reading. While you may be asked to provide an opinion, your position must be supported by evidence.
Substantive postings to this topic question(s) should be no less that 200-300 words or a minimum of 2 paragraphs and should identify your peers’ discussion. You can agree, extend or expand on your peers’ post, or respectfully disagree. Again, you must support your position through evidence.
Each initial post will have at least 2 references (textbook and another independent source). Each response to your peers will have at least 1 reference that supports your argument.
I may engage you in discussion as well, and I will count any further responses to me during the week (after your Initial Posting) as one of your responses to others.
You should participate on multiple days of the week, and do not save all your postings for Sunday. That way other students (and I) can engage you in back-and-forth discussion.
Be sure to proofread carefully (Use Grammarly – the premium version! Make sure your writing score is more than 90) and cite your sources (APA 7.0 ed).
Post your 300-400-word answers by Wednesday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 14 points.
Offer at least two 200-300-word comments (replies) to posts from your peers’ discussions by Sunday 11:55 pm to earn a maximum of 8 points each.
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."