Week 2 diss 1 | Accounting homework help
Week 2 diss 1 | Accounting homework help
Week 2 – Discussion Forum 1
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Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Characteristics of Great Leadership [WLO: 6] [CLOs: 3, 4, 6]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 4 and 5 of the text, and the 10 Qualities of Successful Financial Executives (Links to an external site.)
Write: In your initial post, discuss your strengths and weaknesses. How can you strengthen your weaknesses, and enhance and demonstrate your best skills? Make sure your post is more than 200 words and that you include a brief quote or paraphrase the reading material where appropriate (see the Writing Center’s Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) guide for assistance with in-text citations).
"96% of our customers have reported a 90% and above score. You might want to place an order with us."