Ct 6 modern leadership | Management homework help

Ct 6 modern leadership | Management homework help


Ct 6 modern leadership | Management homework help

Constructing Leadership Metaphors in Written Form
The notion that leadership study requires self-assessment – “locating oneself”– and introspection has been reinforced throughout this course.   The construct of metaphors advances thinking by quickly linking the left and right sides of the brain (Clouse, et al., 2013) [required reading]. 
The use of metaphors as a learning strategy, and especially as applied to leadership, is discussed in the Module 6 lectures and required readings.  This assignment’s requirements provide an opportunity to expand knowledge, apply concepts, and construct metaphors in the pursuit of better understanding leadership and ourselves as leaders.
There are two parts to this essay assignment:
Part I:

Review required reading and lecture material about purpose, construction, and use of leadership metaphors. 
Identify three scholarly articles (other than required or recommended readings for Module 6) related to leadership metaphors and learning.
Gather three (3) videos that further explain the purpose and use of leadership metaphors. 
Critique the videos using a critical framework and scholarly sources for support.

Part II:           

Review leadership reflections and self-assessments from this course.
Draw in outside material from a career portfolio, leadership assessments, performance feedback, or other artifacts.
Define a process to construct an original personal leadership metaphor.
Produce an original personal leadership metaphor in any written form. Consider poetry, story, lyrics, fable, comic strip, creative writing, diary excerpt, for example.

Include an introduction with purpose statement, body, and conclusion including:

A two-page critique of videos related to leadership metaphors
A one-page overview of the process to construct a leadership metaphor
An original personal leadership metaphor in written form—referenced and attached or submitted separately
Include both title and references pages.
Format your entire paper according to the APA writing format. 

Required Readings

Alwi, A., Mustapha, R. M. R., Othman, A. K., Shahid, S. A. M., & Azmi, F. S. (2016). Change-centered, employee-centered and product-centered leadership behaviours and organizational commitment. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 6(7), 496. Retrieved from http://www.ijssh.org/vol6/698-SH012.pdf
Bapat, V. (2017, March 23). Why the lowly dandelion is a better metaphor for leaders than the mighty banyan. Harvard Business Review Online Press.
Ghasabeh, M. S. (2016). Leadership and change. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 33(12), 13. Retrieved from https://csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/docview/1850069240?accountid=38569
Clouse, R. W., Goodin, T., Aniello, J., McDowell, N., & McDowell, D. (2013). Leadership metaphors: Developing innovative teaching strategies. American Journal of Management, 13(1), 79.
Manor, J. (2016, December 5). Good bosses switch between two leadership styles. Harvard Business Review, 2-5.
Wang, C. L., Tee, D., & Ahmed, P. K. (2012). Entrepreneurial leadership and context in Chinese firms: a tale of two Chinese private enterprises. Asia Pacific Business Review, 18(4), 505-530. doi:10.1080/13602381.2012.690257.
Zhao, H. H., Seibert, S. E., Taylor, M. S., Lee, C., & Lam, W. (2016). Not even the past: The joint influence of former leader and new leader during leader successions in the midst of organizational change.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(12) 1730-1738. Retrieved from https://hub.hku.hk/bitstream/10722/229655/1/Content.pdf?accept=1

Recommended Readings

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