Hrmt – job description and job specification analysis

Hrmt – job description and job specification analysis


Hrmt – job description and job specification analysis

You are required to select HR Professionals job requirements (Skill level A – Category 1121) from Canadian Government NOC (National Occupation Classification) list. Follow the link provided, enter the NOC Code 1121 for HR Professionals to see federal JD/JS outlined for HR Professionals in general. For your analysis you can pick any Job title from the list of HR Professionals – outlined in the federal NOC list. Now lookup for the similar role/ position/title’s Job Description, as advertised by any BC (British Columbia) based company and analyze the differences in the job description. For a sound analysis Choose a BC based company with detailed JD/JS. Most of the big corporate companies/Public universities will have a detailed Job requirements. Do not select a small company especially if JD is not clear enough.
Your task is to analyze the Job Description (JD) and Job Specification (JS) – provided for HR Professionals – in the light of theory/concepts/Canadian Laws learned in this course as well as class discussions. 
· You are supposed to write down the similarities & differences in JD & JS in Table format – Here’s the sample table format. You can analyse job’s main role and sub tasks here
· Similarities
· Differences or Add-ons
· DO NOT copy, paste similarity and differences from NOC and provincial JD, summarize and rewrite in your own words.
· Provide the screen shots of both – NOC – Job requirements and BC based Company’s JD in the appendix. This will help you solve the similarity issue
A. Based on your analysis in part A. Create a provincial Job Description along with Job Specification for HR professionals of BC (This should be general job description just like NOC and not for any specific position – you can call this newly created position POC- Provincial Occupation Classification)
· Your Job description/specification should be in bullet points (Look at at-least 7-8 good JD samples for HR jobs posted within BC and then recreate yours by following the same pattern). You should not copy paste tasks/subtasks/requirements from these jobs just use them for idea generation and then incorporate your knowledge of HR profession to create yours.
· Avoid unnecessary length but make sure you are covering all the important points. All the real JDs are not more than 1.5 pages in length so keep it realistic. 

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