1000 words due within 30 hours read and summarize the following article:
1000 words due within 30 hours
read and summarize the following article:
Rogers, Kuiper & Kirker (1977). Self-reference and the encoding of personal information.
This article includes more than one experiment, you are only required to summarize Experiment 1. Please also focus on the researchers main hypotheses for Experiment 1.
This summary must be in APA 6 format and therefore must include a title page, page numbers, running head and a reference page. Please refer to the APA tutorial in week one of this course to make sure each section of your assignment contains the essential elements and is formatted properly. Your reference page will cite the article you have been assigned and at least one other article that you have used to prepare your assignment. Your paper must be no longer than 1000 words. Any portion of your assignment that is over 1000 words will not be graded, so going over the word limit may result in a decreased grade. DO NOT USE DIRECT QUOTES. Any paper using direct quotes will be penalized. Following is a description of the required sections and information that should be contained within each section.
One or two paragraphs on the background of the study, including the hypothesis/hypotheses of the current research. Be sure to cite the assigned paper early on in the introduction. You should also cite your additional reference of choice within the introduction. (Tip: When citing your additional reference, you only need to do so once in the Introduction and no where else in the summary.)
Clearly outline what the researchers did to test their hypotheses. This should be two or three paragraphs and should include section subheadings and information about the participants, materials, design and procedures. Remember to identify the independent and dependent variables, including operational definitions.
In one or two paragraphs summarize the findings. This should be precise yet concise. Include the statistical analyses used to analyze the data. Include the statistical analyses used to analyze the data. Not including statistical analyses will result in deductions.
In two or three paragraphs discuss the findings of the current research. Did the results support the hypotheses? If so, what do the findings suggest? If not, provide a possible explanation for why the expected results were not observed. Additionally, include any limitations to the study in this section. As a special component of this assignment also provide a few sentences about your experience as a participant in the online study (was it the same as the participants’ in the article, did you guess the hypothesis, does the experiment itself have any limitations, for example). It will not be sufficient just to state that it was easy or difficult.
Wrap up your assignment with one brief concluding paragraph.
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