Advocacy and References The assignment title refers to two parts of this assignment
Advocacy and References
The assignment title refers to two parts of this assignment. In addition to submitting both parts for this assignment, you will revise them (after receiving feedback from your instructor), and incorporate them in your final paper, due in Unit 10.
Advocacy Actions
- Describe advocacy actions that relate to the child or adolescent issue and policy chosen for your topic.
- Choose and describe one or two advocacy actions you could do as part of your final project in Unit 10.
- Identify potential challenges to these advocacy actions.
- Outline the action steps you will be prepared to take to achieve your advocacy action.
- Evaluate the potential for creating change through these advocacy actions.
- Examples of possible advocacy actions include:
- Engage in a community event or activity.
- Perform outreach, for example, speaking about your chosen child or adolescent issue to interested parties in your community.
- Meet with your local school board and present your concerns.
- Attend a meeting in your community about your chosen issue or topic.
- Contact a representative in your area about getting involved in local efforts on your topic.
- Submit a letter or e-mail to your local, state, or federal representative about the child or adolescent issue you selected.
References for Final Project
- Identify research articles and texts related to a selected child or adolescent development topic.
- Identify research articles and texts about policy and legislation related to a selected child or adolescent development topic.
- List a minimum of 8 references that you have selected to assist in your study of policies and legislation that affect child or adolescent development for your chosen topic and domain.
- Provide additional references regarding your chosen topic.
- References should be mostly scholarly in nature. In other words, you should direct your research to current professional psychology journals and articles from reputable media sources.
- Format your references according to current APA style guidelines.
Assignment Requirements
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Any resources or citations must be formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Refer to Capella’s Writing Center for more information.
- Length of paper: 6–7 typed double-spaced pages.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Refer to the Advocacy and References Proposal Scoring Guide for more information.
Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.
- Advocacy and References Scoring Guide.
- APA Style and Format.
- Capella Writing Center.
- Writing Feedback Tool.
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