Prior to completing this discussion read Chapter 7: Leadership and Communication
Prior to completing this discussion read Chapter 7: Leadership and Communication in the required text, as well as the article “Impact of leader’s emotional intelligence and transformational behavior on perceived leadership effectiveness: A multiple source view”. This discussion includes two parts:”. This discussion includes two parts:
Part One: First, based on your first name, discuss the assigned theory/framework thoroughly, explaining what it concludes as well as how it could potentially impact an organization. Please do not use quotes. Explain what you understand about what the text states about the theory/framework in your own words and add citations to support your statements.
- (A-D) ethical leadership theory
- (E-G) spiritual leadership theory
- (H-K) authentic leadership theory
- (L-N) implicit leadership theory
- (O-P) leader–member exchange theory
- (Q-S) situational leadership contingency model
- (T-V) transformational leadership framework
- (W-Z) transactional leadership framework
Part Two: Chapter 7 of your text discusses leadership applied to multiple behaviors/indicators, including style, derailment, power, diversity, and communications. Considering all of these variables, what areas do you think are most important for you to accommodate into your own development to support your career and life goals? Why?
Your initial post should be between 350 and 400 words. You must use at least one outside source (peer-reviewed article, newspaper article, or other reputable source) in addition to your text. Cite all information from your sources according to APA guidelines as outlined in the In-Text Citation Helper: A Guide to Making APA In-Text Citations (Links to an external site.). List each of your sources at the end of your post according to APA style as shown in the sample page for References.
Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Respond substantively to at least two of your peers.
- Based on your reading, dialogue with your peers about theory/models/frameworks that differed from your assignment.
- What are key differences between your peer’s assignment and yours?
- What variables to apply to self-development were similar or different than your peers? Share ideas about the content that could support your peer’s leadership development.
- Continue to monitor this discussion board through 5 PM (Mountain Time) on Day 7 of the week. Be sure to also respond to your instructor’s comments to you in this forum by Day 7 (when applicable). Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses
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