Develop a 10–15-slide presentation with speaker’s notes on a diversity topic
Develop a 10–15-slide presentation with speaker’s notes on a diversity topic of your choice that could ultimately be used as a basis for a staff development session.
Diversity training has been a part of U.S. organizational life since the passage of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. Early diversity training dealt with improving race relations, addressing racism and anti-Semitism. The 1970s diversity training focused primarily on affirmative action and compliance.
In the 1980s, much diversity training centered on increasing cultural sensitivity and fostering respect for differences, emphasizing gender and race. Today, diversity training encompasses a wide range of groups (including white men) and is derived from social justice and inclusion approaches that value differences, encourage treating everyone with respect, and creating fair and equitable work and school environments.
While this assessment is not designed to be a diversity training, it lays the foundation for an evidence-based staff development activity that could be part of a larger training initiative.
You may determine the work setting for your presentation, such as educational institutions, businesses, nonprofit organizations, hospitals, or mental health care facilities. After selecting the presentation setting, choose your topic that may include any area covered in this course.
Sample topics:
- Racial stereotypes and racism (select one racial or ethnic group).
- Immigration.
- Religion and spirituality.
- Gender stereotypes and sexism.
- Sexual orientation and heterosexism.
- Age stereotypes and ageism.
- Mental disabilities.
- Physical disabilities.
- Other topic of your choice related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
- Note: if you choose this option, you must get instructor approval.
Using the course readings and other scholarly literature as a basis, develop a presentation on the topic of your choice using PowerPoint, Prezi, or other courseroom-compatible format as follows:
Part 1
Provide an overview of the topic that includes areas that will be covered in the presentation, a brief description of the population or social group you chose, and key definitions and terms.
Part 2
The body of the presentation should include the following:
- Strengths and other positive aspects of being a member of the social group or population.
- Challenges faced by members of this group. Issues related to categorization and stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and social stigma should be incorporated.
Part 3
Conclude with possible solutions to help combat the challenges faced and/or strategies to support the social group or population.
The following guide may be used to organize your presentation:
- Slide 1: Title (APA style).
- Slide 2: Presentation overview/outline.
- Slides 3 and 4: Description of population or social group.
- Slides 5 and 6: Definitions and terms.
- Slides 7 and 8: Strengths and other positive aspects of population or social group.
- Slides 9–12: Challenges faced by population or social group (categorization and stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and social stigma).
- Slides 13–16: Solutions and supportive strategies/conclusion.
- Slide 17: References.
Note that the length of your presentation should be 10–15 content slides of bulleted talking points as well as appropriate supporting graphics on select slides. You must include expanded details that elaborate on the slides using the notes section of the slide presentation. Please remember to use course readings and other scholarly sources to support your work.
Example assessment: You may use the Diversity Presentation Example [PPTX] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.
Additional Requirements
- Include a minimum of three scholarly resources published within the last five years.
- Include presenter’s notes for each content slide.
- Follow APA style and formatting guidelines on your references slide.
- You are required to save your final presentation in your ePortfolio.
- Note: If you include audio or video clips in your presentation, you must ensure that your presentation is accessible to all by providing a transcript of any recorded material with your assessment. For more information, visit Capella’s Disability Services page on Campus or email
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