Respond to the two DQ’s below separately in a 175 word count for each question
DQ question 1. too Ms.Hall,
In this specific scenario with the researcher investigating the teaching style, this type of research would be an experimental method design in which the researcher is using. “In this scenario the researcher manipulates the independent variable to create groups and then compares the groups on the dependent variable. All other variables are kept constant, either through direct experimental control or through randomization” (Cozby,2015). The main research question in this scenario would be what factors are affecting the student’s abilities to learn and grasp the concept of the vocabulary words and the level of structure (high vs. low) might affect the participant groups differently. The independent variable would be rather the students are place in a high or low structured group and the dependent variable would be the vocabulary in which the students need to comprehend.
The Null Hypothesis: The class and the structure rather being low or high is not an effect on the learning abilities of the students rather they are placed in a typical or gifted group
Hypothesis: Students that are in the typical and gifted students in the high structure group seem to not be affect to the extent of students in the low structure group.
Cozby, P.C. & Bates, S.C. (2015). Methods in behavioral research (12th ed.). McGraw Hill; New York, NY.
DQ question 2 too Ms. Raahney
Class and Instructor,
I identified this research as The Solomon Four Group Test. It is a standard pre-test/post-test two group design. The purpose of the pre-test is to allow the researcher to have complete control over the variables and to ensure that the pre-test does not influence results.
RQ: Does the level of structure affect the participant groups learning of vocabulary? (Developmentally delayed, typically developing, and gifted)
Null: The level of structure will not affect the participant groups learning of vocabulary.
Alt: The level of structure will affect the participant groups learning of vocabulary.
Independent variable: level of structure
Dependent variable: learning of vocabulary
Sample size may cause a power issue. When a smaller sample size is used a type II error may be committed. A researcher should determine the smallest sample size that is acceptable before data is collected. The sample size increases the statistical significance because larger sample sizes provide more accuracy. The sample size should be based on what is typical in the research area. The sample size could also be selected on the basis of a desired probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis.
Cozby, P. C. (2015). Methods in behavioral research (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
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