Conducting Successful Interviews – nursing assignment tutor

Conducting Successful Interviews – nursing assignment tutor


Assignment: Summary of Interviews


Research background information—Know your topic.

Plan your questions ahead of time.

Prepare key “talking” points—specific topical areas you want to be sure to cover during the interview.

Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”

Word questions as “neutrally” as possible to avoid influencing the answer.

Preparation cont…

Use “who,” “what,” “when,” “where” and “how” questions.

Use “why” questions carefully to avoid putting the interviewee on the defensive.

Choose a setting for the interview that will provide the fewest possible distractions and/or interruptions.

Clarify the length of time agreed upon for the interview.

Be appreciative and respectful of the interviewee. Remember, you are an outsider and a guest.

Getting Started

Explain the overall purpose of your interview:

What you plan to do with the information

How the interviewee will (or won’t) be identified when the information is shared (confidentiality, anonymity)

Obtain permission to take notes or record the interview.

Take a few minutes to get to know the person before asking your prepared questions.

Gather general information about the person’s role, work and/or views related to your topic.

Going Deeper

Use your prepared questions, but be flexible. Think like a detective. Be ready to explore new information you receive from the interviewee.

If appropriate, ask the interviewee to share examples from his or her experiences to illustrate key points.

Share information you have gathered and allow the interviewee to validate (or invalidate) that information.

Interview Tips

Use active listening:

Concentrate on what the person is saying.

Listen for meaning as well as words.

Avoid formulating your next question while the person is still talking.

Avoid predicting how the person will answer.

Lean towards the person.

Encourage the person to continue talking with brief comments such as “go on,” “uh-huh,” or “then?”

Interview Tips cont…

Brief periods of silence may be effective in drawing out additional, meaningful information.

Silence gives the respondent time to think and organize his/her thoughts without interruption.

Avoid interrupting the interviewee or finishing his/her sentences.

Interview Tips cont…

Ask a key question several ways, if appropriate, to get at the topic from different angles.

Notice how the interviewee shares information. Is he eager, hesitant, open, or guarded about sharing information? What does her body language tell you?

Ask for clarification by using phrases such as: “Tell me what you mean by…” or “Tell me more about…”

Closing the Interview

Invite the interviewee to add any thoughts, ideas or information that you haven’t thought to ask.

Find out if you may contact him/her again if more information is needed.

Thank the interviewee for his/her time and cooperation.

Conducting Successful Interviews
Conducting Successful Interviews

Conducting Successful Interviews

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