This assignment is the one that we have chosen the topic and did small write up on diversity for prior approval

This assignment is the one that we have chosen the topic and did small write up on diversity for prior approval

Concept Realization


This assignment is the one that we have chosen the topic and did small write up on diversity for prior approval. REALLY NEED THE BEST PAPER AS THIS IS FINAL GRADE.


In this assignment, you will integrate the concepts of conflict resolution, group influence, and attribution to develop a program of conflict resolution to a current conflict situation.

Identify a conflict between two groups, and obtain approval from your instructor.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you create a program to improve the relationship between two groups. Examples include between police and a community, managers and subordinates, the city council committee and a special interest group, and unions and management. Be specific in identifying what community, company, or organization you are writing about.

Nature of the Conflict

  • Describe the context of the conflict. What kind of community or organization is this? Who are the stakeholders in the outcome of the conflict?
  • Identify the overt and covert issues presenting both sides.
  • Describe the effect the conflict has on the organization within which it exists and, if applicable, the surrounding community.
  • Identify attribution errors and how they will be addressed in the program.
  • Analyze the dynamics within each group and between groups. Who are the leaders? Does anyone stall or undermine the group? Is there a relationship between two subgroups?

Program Design

  • Apply the elements of conflict resolution.
  • Describe the central strategy you will use to resolve or diminish the conflict.
  • Provide at least one reference supporting the use of such a strategy.
  • Include a program component that employs social media.
  • Explain how you will address attribution errors between the groups.
  • Identify the elements of persuasion you will use in your program.

Create a 15- to 20-minute oral presentation that you would give to sell your program to the company or organization where the conflict exists. The presentation should be accompanied by 10 Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides with speaker notes that include the following:

  • The goals of the program
  • The logistics of the program (schedule, location, and so on)
  • The content of the program (any worksheets, activities, or events)

Cite at least 4 references in your presentation, including the reference that demonstrates research support of your program strategy.

Format any citations in your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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