Cindy is a 34 year old single woman seeking counsel from you for her frustration and unhappiness in life

Cindy is a 34 year old single woman seeking counsel from you for her frustration and unhappiness in life

Cindy is a 34 year old single woman seeking counsel from you for her frustration and unhappiness in life. As you assess her story, you find out the following information: • She is a CPA and works at a local accounting firm. • She reports feeling very anxious most of the time and has felt that way for the past year. • She really doesn’t have any friends and has not dated since high school. • She grew up in a family with much conflict, and her parents divorced shortly after she left for college. She has two older brothers. Her mother has been on anxiety medication for several years. • She also reports that she often feels down (depressed) and has felt that way for most of her adult life. • As you question her, you find out that she was sexually abused by her brother at the age of 9 and has never told anyone except you. She appears to be very upset, depressed, and angry about this abuse. • She also reports that she often binges on food and sometimes she literally feels like she can’t control her eating. She does not purge; however, she does diet frequently when she gains too much weight.


1.What anxiety disorder does Cindy have? And explain how you came up with that diagnosis. What else might you like to know in order to confirm that diagnosis?

2.What are some of the causal factors for anxiety and how does this apply to Cindy?

3. Based on what you learned about anxiety disorders in class, what would be your course of treatment in helping Cindy? (Include biblical perspectives.)

4.What are the four basic causes of depression (name and explain them) and which cause(s) apply to Cindy’s situation?

5.What are the primary treatments for depression, and which one would you apply to Cindy? Explain how you would use it to help Cindy

6.Cindy was sexually abused. In one of your sessions with her, she asks you to educate her and provide an overview of what you know about the effects of sexual abuse as well as how you normally treat women who have been sexually abused. Provide your explanation below

7.Cindy is also addicted to food. Using your class notes and materials (or outside materials), what would be your plan for helping Cindy recover from her food addiction?

8.Now taking everything into consideration, provide a case conceptualization including possible maintaining factors.

9.Explain your treatment approach for Cindy. What would you work on first and then how would you progress with treatment after that

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