Refer to the Course Project Overview in Module 1. Early in the course
Refer to the Course Project Overview in Module 1. Early in the course, you have selected a specific disorder. Research it using your textbook and Argosy University online library resources. A minimum of 5 sources in addition to your text book should be used. At least three of those sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. The remaining 2 sources may be books, journal articles, or reputable web sites (like those from professional organizations or governmental agencies, not Wikipedia or similar sites).
Review the rubric, as it provides detailed instructions on how best to succeed on this assignment. In the rubric, you will find that you need to address the following in a paper: OnAutism is a brain disorder that limits the ability to communicate and relate to other people (
- Description of the selected disorder (Identify the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic category for the disorder and distinguish between diagnostic and commonly used terminology.)
- Causative factors of the disorder
- Diagnosis of the disorder
- Treatment of the disorder
- Survey of current research on the disorder
Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Remember to use the rubric as you write your paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources, and include an APA style title/cover page and reference page. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
Instruction for the paper: Please fellow this instruction
Refer to the Course Project Overview in Module 1. Early in the course, you have selected a specific disorder. Research it using your textbook and Argosy University online library resources. A minimum of 5 sources in addition to your text book should be used. At least three of those sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. The remaining 2 sources may be books, journal articles, orreputable web sites (like those from professional organizations or governmental agencies, not Wikipedia or similar sites, check the links in the webliography section for suggestions for online sites). Remember if you are copy and pasting anything it is a direct quotation and will come up on turnitin, this is ok if it’s cited appropriately, please see the links for citations in the webliography as well purdue OWL and citationmachine are great resources. If your turnitin number is high and I see copy and pasting and problems with origninality, you may be asked to rewrite your paper. If you have already provided a rewrite for origniality issues, you will receive a zero for the assignment. You can always submit early and see your turnitin score and email me prior to the assignment if you think your paper has concerns, I don’t mind giving feedback at all! I say all this not to scare you but to make you aware, if there are honest mistakes, I always err on the side of helping students, so don’t worry!!
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